Adding Dynamic Commentary Column
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Adding Dynamic Commentary Column

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Article summary

You can add a Dynamic Commentary column using the Dynamic Commentary option under the Function drop-down list in the Insert Formula pane. While inserting a new column, you can select this option to extract comments from any column and save them in the new column. The new column containing comments is inserted to the right or left of any column based on the selection you have made from the Insert drop-down lists. You can have multiple Dynamic Commentary columns in a single report. Every new comment starts in a new row and the long text wraps to fit the column widths saved on the report.

In Practice: How to Access the Insert Formula Pane

Open a Dynamic Report and click Formula > select Insert Row / Column. The Insert Formula pane appears.


The Dynamic Commentary function is not available for the Insert Row option.

You can select the following check boxes to define additional configuration settings for the comments:

Display only Highlighted Comments

When you select this check box, only the highlighted comments are displayed in the Dynamic Commentary column. By default, this check box is not selected. When this check box is not selected, all comments are displayed in the Dynamic Commentary column.

Display Username and Date

When you select this check box, the username and date are displayed for each comment in the Dynamic Commentary column cell. The date and time are converted to the user timezone. By default, this check box is not selected.

The image below displays comments extracted from the column B to a new column.

This feature is applicable to all existing and new Dynamic Reports for all combinations of Report Sets, Dimensions, Attributes, and Attribute Hierarchy.

When you extract comments from an existing column to a new Dynamic Commentary column, the following points are applicable for the Dynamic Commentary column:

  • You cannot edit cell values in the Dynamic Commentary column.

  • You can adjust the width of the Dynamic Commentary column.

  • You can apply cell formatting to the Dynamic Commentary column.

  • You can use the Edit, Delete, and Formula Exceptions actions for the Dynamic Commentary column. However, the Drill down, Drill through, Copy, Paste, and Comment options are not available for this column.

  • If you add or remove the Dynamic Commentary column, the Dynamic Report Header and Footer get adjusted automatically.

  • When you use actions such as Pivot and Rank on the report, the position of the Dynamic Commentary column gets adjusted automatically.

  • When you export or print a report, all output options such as Export to Excel, Export to PDF, Print, and so on will include the Dynamic Commentary columns.

  • You can insert the Dynamic Commentary column while using the Comments On and Comments Off options.

  • When you use a Dynamic Report with the Dynamic Commentary column in Report Collections or Financial Package, comments are displayed based on Dimension Security and the POV dimension selections applied in the Report Collection or Financial Package.

  • When you edit a comment, the updated comment is displayed in the Dynamic Commentary column after you use the Run or Refresh action for the report.

Dynamic Commentary in Different Outputs

When you perform an export to Microsoft Excel, PDF, a Google Sheet, Microsoft Word, or Microsoft PowerPoint from Dynamic Reports, Report Collections, or Financial Package, the Dynamic Commentary column displays all comments based on configuration settings. Comments in all exported outputs are displayed as plain text unless a URL is added to a comment. If this is the case, you can click the URL from the cell in the exported output.

The Dynamic Commentary column also displays the comments in all email attachments, snapshots, Report Collections, and so on. Every new comment starts in a new row and the long text wraps to fit the column widths saved on the report.

A maximum of 1024 characters are exported in each cell across multiple comments. Characters beyond the threshold value are truncated and shown with ellipses.

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