How to Process Consolidation and Include or Exclude Dynamic Journals and Non-Controlling Interest?
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    How to Process Consolidation and Include or Exclude Dynamic Journals and Non-Controlling Interest?

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    Article summary

    To process consolidation and include or exclude Dynamic Journals and Non-Controlling Interest, do the following:

    1. Navigate to Consolidation > Consolidation Control Panel

    2. Select the Scenario, Period, and Entity.

    3. Click the Consolidation Process and select the Process from the Entry Actions. The Process Setup page is displayed.

    4. The Configurable Steps tab is displayed by default as shown below with the Dynamic Journals and Non-Controlling Interest options.

    5. Select the Dynamic Journals and Non-Controlling Interest checkboxes to process them during the Consolidation Process. Alternatively, do not select the checkboxes if you want to process Dynamic Journals and Non-Controlling Interest outside of the Consolidation Process. Customers who had earlier opted to include Dynamic Journals and Non-Controlling Interest as part of the Consolidation Process would see that both options would be selected when they navigate to the Process Setup page.

      Once you select the checkbox to include Dynamic Journals to be processed during the Consolidation Process, you cannot select specific Dynamic Journal Entries to process for the period. Instead, all active Dynamic Journal Entries for the period will be processed.
    6. Click Process

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