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Creating and Managing Data Load Rules (DLR)
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High Level Steps to Create a Copy-Paste DLR to Load Data
Access the Data Load Rules page by navigating to Maintenance > Data Integration > Data Load Rules.
Click the New Data Load Rule tab.
Enter Name.
Select Copy - Paste as the Load Type on the New Data Load Rule page.
Select Load Item and Load Sub Item from the drop-down.
Copy and paste data from your source file to the spreadsheet on the Select Sample Input File page.
Select parameters, defaults, and segment information to further define the way you want to load data using the Define Overall Rule Settings page.
Transform/manipulate the data you are loading to best suit your needs on the Manipulate Input File page.
Map source data columns to targets using the Define Data Mappings page.
Perform the load using the Load Data page.
You can paste up to a maximum of 1000 rows and 70 columns.
High Level Steps Create a File DLR to Load Data
Access the Data Load Rules page by navigating to Maintenance > Data Integration > Data Load Rules.
Click the New Data Load Rule tab.
Enter Name.
Select File Load as the Load Type on the New Data Load Rule page.
Select Load Item and Load Sub Item from the drop-down.
Load the source file using the Select Sample Input File page.
Select parameters, defaults, and segment information to further define the way you want to load data using the Define Overall Rule Settings page.
Transform/manipulate the data you are loading to best suit your needs on the Manipulate Input File page.
Map source data columns to targets using the Define Data Mappings page.
Perform the load using the Load Data page.
To load a Text file, save the file as a txt (tab-delimited) type and then load.
High Level Steps to Create a Web Services DLR to Load Data
Access the Data Load Rules page by navigating to Maintenance > Data Integration > Data Load Rules.
Click the New Data Load Rule tab.
Enter Name.
Click the New Data Load Rule tab.
Select Web Services as the Load Type on the New Data Load Rule page.
Select Load Item and Load Sub Item from the drop-down.
Use an external Data Integration tool (like Boomi) to load data to the Planful system.
The steps will vary based on the external Data Integration tool used.
High Level Steps to Load Alternate Hierarchy Data Using an XLSX Source File
Before beginning a data load, the alternate leaf member must already exist in the main hierarchy.
To load data into an alternate hierarchy:
Navigate to Maintenance > Data Integration > Data Load Rules.
Click New Data Load Rule.
Select any File Load load type from the drop-down.
Select Segment Hierarchies for Load Item and any segment for Load Sub Item.
Click Select Sample Input File.
Click the Choose File button for the Sample Data File under the File Information section and then click Next or Define Overall Rule Settings.
Select Alternate Hierarchy from the Hierarchy Type section. If you set up an elimination company in Hierarchy Management and selected Yes for Elimination, there will be an option to tell the application to obtain a value for the elimination company from the file that contains the data you are loading to Planful.
Select Yes for Include in Data File for the Elim Attribute to obtain the value from the data you are loading to Planful. This Parameter is available for Segment Hierarchy and Alternate Hierarchy data loads.
Elimination companies in the main company hierarchy do not require a new code for the alternate hierarchies.
Define the remaining parameters for the data load (e.g., input file manipulation, data mappings).
Click Load Data and then click Finish. The DLR for the alternate hierarchy is submitted for processing. A notification will be sent once processing is complete and the data is in the alternate hierarchy.
The following special characters are restricted from use in the Leaf Code of a segment leaf member when creating segment hierarchy data or loading it to Planful: ‘ " ~ ` ! @ # $ ^ * ( ) + = [ ] { } \ | ; : < > , ? All other special characters documented in the Getting Started guide are supported.
How to Create a Data Load Rule to Process Workforce Planning Allocations?
Complete the steps below to create a data load rule to process allocations in Workforce Planning.
Choose Allocation Method by Department when setting up employee allocations. For information on how to do so, see the
Understanding Employee Allocations topic in the Workforce Planning Admin Guide.
Employees should have previously been populated in a Workforce Planning scenario.
Create a file that defines the allocation by all segments in the Common Chart of Accounts.
Define the file to include all fiscal years based on the budget input years defined in Configuration Tasks.
Define the allocation percentages for each month ensuring that the percentages total 100% for each month within a given fiscal year.
Once loaded, the allocation can be viewed in the home department of the employee.
To create a Data Load Rule to Process Workforce Planning Allocations, follow the steps below:
Define a data load rule with the following parameters:
Load Type: Use either File Load or Copy-Paste
Load Item: Choose Workforce Planning
Load Sub-Item: Choose Workforce – Employee Allocations
Click Next.
Select Sample Input File and complete the following fields:
Row Containing Header – Select 1
Number of Rows to Skip – Select 1
Number of Source Fields – Select 22, this is the number of columns in the file format for this Data Load Rule
Number Format/Thousand Separator – Select Comma(,)
Number Format/Decimal Separator – Select Dot(.)
Date Format – Select MM/DD/YYYY
Data Load – Copy and paste from an Excel spreadsheet the formatted fields to be used in the DLR
Click Next.
Define Overall Rule Settings: Define the scenario and time mapping to be used for this data load rule.
Scenario – Select the Scenario the data will be loaded into.
Allocation Basis – This is predefined based on the Define Workforce Planning Budgeting Criteria Task, in this Allocation by Department
Time Mapping – Select Across Columns which defines a column for each month that allocations are processed against.
Click Next.
Manipulate Input File: Confirm the columns align with the Source file.
Click Next.
Define Data Mappings: Select the correct field mappings to the columns identified in the source data file.
Click Next.
Confirm the scenario data is being loaded and click Finish. Use Verify Data to confirm data loads.
You will receive confirmation that data was loaded successfully, or any errors during the data load will be identified. If errors are found correct the errors in the source file and attempt to load again.
High Level Steps to Incrementally Load Workforce Data
To incrementally load Employee Workforce Data, complete the following steps:
Navigate to Maintenance > Data Integration > Data Load Rules.
Click New Data Load Rule.
Select a Load Type for your new data load rule.
Select Workforce Planning for the Load Item.
Select Workforce - Employee Data as the Load Sub Item.
Continue with the load process. New employees will be appended and existing employees will be updated.
There are no limits on the number of employee records that can be loaded at a time.
Loading SSO Users
You cannot load SSO Authentication users using Data Load Rules. If there are a few users, you can manually add them from the user interface. If there are too many users to manually add, load the users with email and password as Native Authentication. Then, submit a Support case and the Operations group will change the user Authentication mode from Native to SSO.
You can load SSO users with Planful APIs. After creating users with Data Load Rules or the APIs, the authentication type must be updated by the Planful Operations team.