Custom Members
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Custom Members

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Article summary

The benefit of this feature is that formulas can be reused allowing for rapid chart production and more flexible and complex display of data.

Custom Members can be used on the horizontal or vertical axis within the chart. A few examples of the formulas that you can define and use in Dashboards follows.

To sort products in descending order and returns the top 5 products with the highest values:


To calculate variance between budget and forecast for the given period using substitution variables:


To get data for a specific combination of dimension members.


To get the sum of values for accounts.

sum({[Account].&[197] , [Account].&[198] , [Account].&[199] , [Account].&[201] , [Account].&[202] , [Account].&[344] , [Account].&[203] , [Account].&[474] , [Account].&[204] , [Account].&[205] , [Account].&[206] , [Account].&[207] , [Account].&[208]})

For the descendants of a member in the hierarchy and to order them within a hierarchy.


To calculate variance between actual and budget using substitution variables.


To calculate variance between the previous month actual and current month budget using substitution variables.


How to Set Up Custom Members?

To set up the Custom Members, follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to Maintenance > Report Administration > Cube Settings.
  2. Click the Custom Members tab.
  3. Click Add. The Add Custom Member page displays.
  4. Enter a code and name.
  5. Select the Reporting Area from the drop-down for which you want to build the formula.
  6. Select Account for Dimension to build the formula on the Account dimension. Or, select any dimension for which you want to build a formula.
  7. Select the required dimension from the drop-down list on the Members tab.
  8. Drag and drop the dimension member to the Rule Builder pane. You can add multiple dimensions by dragging and dropping to the Rule Builder pane.
  9. Enclose the rule in parentheses. 
  10. Click Save. Now, use the formula in a chart in Dashboards.

How to Use a Custom Member on a Chart in a Dashboard?

Now, you can use this custom member when designing a chart. In this example, a custom member named Sum was created on the Account dimension. It totals several accounts shown in the image below. Use the Sum custom member when the Account dimension is selected for a chart(s).

To use a custom member on a chart in a dashboard, follow the steps below:
  1. Access Dashboards on the left pane.
  2. Click Add to create a new dashboard or open an existing dashboard.
  3. Drag and drop a chart to the dashboard.
  4. For the x or y-axis, select any dimension.
  5. Under Custom Members, select any customer member from the list. Continue to build the chart by selecting additional dimensions and members.

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