Designing Reports in SpotlightXL
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Designing Reports in SpotlightXL

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With the Design subtask, you can modify an existing report or create another. Access the Design subtask by selecting the Report task and the Design subtask. 

How to Create a New Report Based on an Existing Report?

  1. In SpotlightXL, navigate to the Report > Run.
  2. Select the required report from the Report list box.
  3. Now, select Report > Design.
  4. Edit the report as needed using Excel functionality.
  5. Click Properties.
    1. Under Display, select between Code or Display Label.
    2. For Enable Save:
      1. Specify None if this is not a data entry report. 
      2. Specify the Calculation Model if there is only one model used in the report and you want a calculation to be run when the user clicks Save
      3. Specify All Models if there are data cells from more than one model in the report.
    3. In the Groupsection, use the drop-down to select a user group for report access. To add multiple groups, insert additional rows.

      You will remain in the Design mode. If you would like to run the report, select Report > Run.

Report: New Report

ModelingImagesReportimage255.pngor ModelingImagesReportimage254.png

With the New Report action, you can have one report based on data from multiple reports saved on different models. For example, you have a corporate model and a model for a foreign subsidiary. Each has an Operating Expense report. To view the Operating Expense report for the corporate model and the foreign subsidiary model in one report, copy and paste each report with captured data intersections to the New Report spreadsheet.

How to Create a New Report Using the New Report?

  1. In SpotlightXL, go to Report >Design.
  2. Click New Report.
  3. Copy and paste report details from captured data intersections. These are represented by the red carats in the upper right-hand corner of a cell (see Capture Data or Analyze, Design Report for steps to capture data intersections).
  4. Click Save.
  5. Enter a name for the report in the Name field and click Save.
  6. Click the Properties action.
  7. Select a model to save the report to in the Save on Model cell.
  8. Select the group or groups you want to have access to the report.
  9. Click Save.
  10. Select Report >Run to view the report.
    The New Report is available for existing reports with captured data intersections.

Substitution Variables

Substitution variables are used in reports in place of dimension member names. Reports can be defined using substitution variables that can be dynamically modified at runtime by end users. Power Users and Contributors now have the option to set up reports using substitution variables with expressions.

  • The substitution variables can be dynamically modified at runtime. Previously, if a report was set up to use a substitution variable, the report would always run with the predefined value of the substitution variable. To change the value, a Power User or Contributor had to change it manually using the Model > Model Administration > Substitution Variables page. 
    • Any level of user can now change the value of substitution variables while running a report. The new value is used during that session, but the report reverts to the original substitution variable value the next time the report is run. 
    • Selecting a different dimension member name is available in SpotlightXL and Spotlight. 
  • Power Users and Contributors can set up substitution variables with expressions. Expressions are added to a substitution to derive another member name from the same dimension. 
  • Substitution variables are most commonly used in the Time and Scenario dimensions.
    Changing the value of a substitution variable is similar to the concept of selecting a dimension member from a POV on the page axis. When you change the POV or the value of the substitution variable, the data is refreshed. The difference is that a substitution variable can be placed anywhere in the report, such as a row or column axis.

Here is the overall process:

  • Power User or Contributor creates one or more substitution variables in the model.
  • Power User or Contributor creates one or more reports that use the substitution variables.
  • Any user with access to the report can run it and change the value of the substitution variable, provided they have security access to the dimension.
  • Creating Substitution Variables for Reports

To set up formatted reports with substitution variables, see How to Add a New Substitution Variable.

How to Use Substitution Variables in Reports?

  1. In SpotlightXL, go to Report > Design, select the cells containing the dimension member to be replaced with a substitution variable.
  2. Click Design Manager.
  3. Click the Member Selection icon, then Select Member.
  4. Click Select Member. At the top of the member selection box, notice that Substitution Variables are listed first.
  5. Select the required substitution variable and click Select.

  6. Now the Design Manager reflects the change from the original value to the substitution variable. 
  7. Click Update. The report now displays UPDATED in place of the data cells you originally selected.
  8. Click Save to save your report.
    Likewise, you can update the other data cells to also use the substitution variable.

Selecting a Different Value for a Substitution Variable at Runtime

When the user runs a report, if it contains a substitution variable, a new icon automatically appears on the menu ribbon.

How to Select a Different Value for a Substitution Variable at Runtime?

  1. In SpotlightXL, go to Report > Run.
  2. With the cursor anywhere in the report, click Substitution Variables. The Substitution Variables box appears. It shows the name of the variable and the current value.
  3. Click the Member Selector icon.
  4. From the Member Selector box, select the required value that you want to see in the report.
  5. Click Select.
  6. Click Refresh to refresh the report.

    The report now displays data for the selected value. Using this method, the user can easily move back and forth between other values, without updating the definition of the report and without the need for the Power User or Contributor to update the substitution variable value permanently.
  7. To reset the substitution variable back to its initial value, click Substitution Variables. From the Member Selection icon, select Reset to Default.

Using Substitution Variables with Expressions

Dynamic Planning supports the ability to enhance substitution variables by providing expressions. Expressions point to different members in the dimension about the predefined value of the substitution variable. Expressions will make this report easier to maintain in the coming years.

How to Use Substitution Variable wit Expressions?

  1. In SpotlightXL, go to Report > Design and select all the cells in the worksheet.
  2. Click Design Manager.
  3. Click the Member Selector icon, then Select Member.
  4. Select the required variable and click Select. Now the Design Manager reflects the change from the original value to the Substitution Variable. Also shown in light gray is the predefined value of.
  5. Click the Member Selector icon again, then Expression. The Expression box appears and variable is already selected.
  6. Click Add Function and select Lead.
  7. The Expression box now shows the Offset option.
    • By default, the offset is 1. Offset refers to the number of members above or below the current member in the dimension hierarchy. Offset works within the current level and it skips over rollup members.
    • Lead refers to members below the current member in the hierarchy.
    • Lag refers to members above the current members in the hierarchy.
  8. Click Update to apply Lead(1). Click Update again to save your changes and exit the Design Manager.

    The report now displays UPDATED in place of the data cells, and @cash@ and the expressions.
  9. Save the report design by clicking Save or Save As. Consider changing the name to preserve the original report until you are confident that the new report is accurate. Now when you run the report, you can use the Substitution Variables box to change the starting value in your hierarchy.
  10. After selecting any other value, click Refresh.

Converting Existing Reports with Substitution Variables to Use Expressions

Many existing reports are set up with multiple substitution variables. These reports can be converted to use one substitution variable and many expressions for easier maintenance.

Consider the model has a list of substitution variables. These substitution variables are used in all of the company reports that show data by month, quarter, or year. Below is a report of Salaries by Department. To convert this and other reports using a single substitution variable, start by selecting a member as the reference point for creating expressions.

For example, if you start with the first month of your fiscal year, you can use Sibling, Lead, or Lag to offset within the same level as other months. To move back one level, use Parent, then apply Lead or Lag to offset to quarters. Similarly, use Parent again to go back two levels and offset to years.  Or you can start with the year and use Child expressions to get to the quarters and months.

How to Convert Existing Reports with Substitution Variables to Use Expressions?

  1. In SpotlightXL, go to Report > Design. Select all the cells in the worksheet, then click Design Manager
  2. Click the Member Select button and click Select Member.
  3. Select the new variable that you created. Click Select. The New Value column now shows the new selected substitution variable.
  4. Click Update. The report now displays UPDATED. With all the cells in the worksheet still selected, click again Design Manager again.
  5. Click the Member Select button and click Expression.
  6. Click Add Function and select Lead. Keep the default Offset of 1, and click Update. The New Value column now shows the selected substitution variable plus expression.
  7. Click Update to apply the changes to the report. Add any additional substitution variables and expressions as needed.

  8. Now save the report design by clicking Save or Save As. Consider changing the name to preserve the original report with multiple substitution variables until you are confident that the new report is accurate.
  9. Compare the data to your original report to ensure it is accurate.
  10. Now, go to Report > Run. When running the report, you can click the Substitution Variables button on the ribbon to change the substitution variable.

Design Manager

Design Manager provides advanced reporting capabilities, allowing for detailed data intersections and the selection of dimension members from multiple models. It also enables you to choose Point of View (POV) options. 

How to Use the Design Manager?

  1. In SpotlightXL, Go to Report > Design.
  2. Select the desired cell and click Design Manager to view the current dimension and member. 
  3. You can change the dimension value by clicking the member select icon, selecting a new value, and then click Update. All row and column dimensions and members are treated as "member" cells. See Identifying POV Dimensions for more information.

The cell is referred to as a "data" cell. Data cells represent data intersections, which are formed from the intersection of all dimensions in the model. If you select a new value for any of the dimensions, the data cell is automatically updated based on selections once you click the Update button on the Design Manager interface.

Select a blank cell and click Design Manager. Notice how the interface is updated to give you the option to create a data cell, dimension member cell, or POV cell.

You can also report off of any one model or multiple models available to you in the Model list box. 

Description of Fields

Data - Data Intersection

Report on the combination of two or more dimension members. Select members from a dimension intersection to populate the value within the report. You can pull data from an intersection for any model to which you have access. When Data is selected, the Model list box is available along with the dimensions that belong to the selected model as shown below.

You can select to exclude point of view (POV) dimensions in reports. For example, if your report has a page-level member for Company (My Cycles Company) and you want to show one cell of Total Corporate (My Holding Group) as a comparison, you can add the Total Corporate cell and exclude (or override) the Company POV for that cell.

Member - Dimension Member

Display a specific member name from a dimension. This replaces the cell with the name of the selected dimension member. When Member is selected, the Model and Dimension list boxes are available. Select the model from which you want to populate the report with dimension member information. Select the dimension that belongs to the selected model to populate your report.

When using POV and substitution variables, the member names will change based on the selected context.


POV - Option to Update Report Data

Make POV (point of view) selections based on a model and dimension. A POV is a method to allows users to select a particular member from a list box and then see all data in the report updated for that member. For example, if you want the user to be able to view different accounts, then put the Account dimension on the page level of the report, and make it a POV cell. As a result, data displayed in the report is controlled to display the selected Account dimension member. When POV is selected, the Model and Dimension list boxes are available.



Select this checkbox to display the attributes that are available in the selected model. Uncheck this checkbox to hide the attributes from the Design Manager.


Filtering Members

Filtering member options is helpful when updating an existing report, finding specific report dimension members, and previewing members you might filter. 

Filter Member

How to Use Filter Member Option in the Design Manager?

  1. Open a report in design mode by selecting the Report > Design.
  2. Select the entire spreadsheet and click Design Manager.
  3. Select a dimension member and select Filter Member.

Preview Filter Member

How to Use Preview Filter Member Option in the Design Manager?

  Filter Member:

  1. Open a report in design mode by selecting the Report > Design
  2. Select the entire spreadsheet and click Design Manager
  3. Select a dimension member you want to preview before filtering. 

The result is that the cell range is displayed as shown below. This way you know exactly where the member exists within the report.

Identifying POV Dimensions

You often use the Design Manager to pinpoint what dimension intersections are being used for the data cells. Design Manager clearly shows how POV cells are being used. In a report, select one or more data cells and then click Design Manager

Similarly, if a user is running the report and wants to see what dimensions are being used in the report, they can select Metadata Viewer from the More menu. Then use Preview Filter Member to see details.

Excluding POV Dimensions in Reports

You can select to exclude point of view (POV) dimensions in reports. For example, in a model, if the price is maintained at the region level (Region dimension) versus the customer level (Customer dimension), you can exclude the Customer dimension as a POV in the report.

How to Exclude POV Dimensions in Report?

  1. In SpotlightXL, go to Report > Design, select all the data in the report, then click Design Manager.
  2. On the Design Manager window, click the Exclude POV checkbox.
  3. Next to Customer, click the Exclude POV checkbox.

  4. Click Update.
  5. Save the report changes.
  6. Run the report. When you change the POV for Customer and Refresh the data, no change is reflected. Only your changes to the Region or Scenario dimension affect the data.

Shared POV Dimensions Across Models in a Report

It is possible to design a report with a single Point of View (POV) cell that influences the data visible across multiple models represented by the data. This feature provides flexibility by reducing the need for multiple dimension selections when creating a consolidated report. A consolidated report amalgamates data from multiple models.

Consider two models, Sales Rep, and Sales Forecast, set up for an enterprise. The objective is to generate a consolidated report from both models. Some dimensions, such as Scenario and Region, are common between the reports. Despite the models sharing common dimensions, individual selections of dimensions from each model are necessary to create a consolidated report. Shared POVs enable the configuration of a single POV dimension for common dimensions within a report.

A common POV among these two reports is the Scenario.

How to Set up Scenario as a Shared POV?

  1. In SpotlightXL, go to Report > Design and select the first Scenario POV cell and click Design Manager
  2. Use the horizontal scrollbar under Share POV and select the required member.

  3. Click Update. Next, delete the row containing the second Scenario POV cell.
  4. Save the report design, then go to Report >Run. When you change the Scenario selection and click Refresh, the data for both reports is updated.

Refreshing the Report Data on a POV Change

With Refresh on POV change, you can specify if you want to refresh the report each time you change POV to see report data. Suppose you set Refresh on POV change to Yes. When you run a report, choose a POV to view the report, the report data contains refreshed data. By default, this property is set to No.

While running the report you can change the POV dimension member and if this property is set to Yes then the report will automatically refresh once you select any POV dimension member. In a sample report, if you have the Time dimension as a POV dimension and you select 2023 from the Time dimension then the report will be refreshed and the data for 2023 will be displayed in the report.


Format Manager

Apply formatting options and lock cells. For example, display reports in various amount formats (such as thousands, millions, and billions). Select a cell or range of cells and click Format Manager to launch the Format Manager dialog page.

A description of each of the fields on the Format Manager dialog page is provided below:

  • Locked - Select Yes to lock a selected cell or cell range to prevent modification. For example, you want users to input only certain portions of report data.
  • Amount Format - Select to format numeric cells in Tens, Hundreds, Thousands, or Millions. Amount Format applies to reporting only.
  • Applies To - The cell range selected.
  • View/Select Range - Change the cell or cell range applied for the format you are changing.
  • Update- Apply Format Manager selections to the cell or cell range selected. Save the report and then run it to display the selected cells in the appropriate format.
    Locked and Amount Format properties are applied for reporting purposes only. When a report with locked and formatted cells is run, you will not be able to modify the data in these cells.

Locking and Unlocking Cells in a Report

You can lock data cells in a report to prevent modification by users. For example, you want users to input only certain portions of report data.

Users only have the option to save data changes if the Enable Save property is set to Calculation Model or All Models.

How to Lock Cells in a Report?

  1. In SpotlightXL, go to Report > Design.
  2. Select the data cells, then click Format Manager from the menu ribbon.
  3. Specify Yes for Locked, and then click Update.
  4. Alternatively, you can click the cell selector icon to specify the range of cells to lock.
  5. Select the cells, then click the icon to Set as the New Range.
  6. In the Format Manager box, click Update.
    If Save on Model is not enabled, the report cells will unlocked to allow data input.

Enable Save = None

Calculation Model = None Selected

Calculation on Save = None Selected

Description automatically generated

No data is saved.

No Calculation is executed.

Enable Save = None

Calculation Model = Model Selected

Calculation on Save = Calculation Selected

Graphical user interface 
Description automatically generated with low confidence

No data is saved.

The calculation is executed.

Enable Save = Calculation Model Selected

Calculation Model = Model Selected

Calculation on Save = None Selected

Description automatically generated

Data saved on Calculation model.

No Calculation is executed.

Enable Save = Calculation Model Selected

Calculation Model = Model Selected

Calculation on Save = Calculation Selected

Description automatically generated

Data saved on Calculation model.

The calculation is executed.

Enable Save = All Models Selected

Calculation Model = Model Selected

Calculation on Save = Calculation Selected

Graphical user interface 
Description automatically generated with medium confidence

Data is saved on all models.

The calculation is executed.

Enable Save = All Models

Calculation Model = None Selected

Calculation on Save = None Selected

Description automatically generated with medium confidence

Data is saved on all models.

No Calculation is executed.

Applying Scale to Numbers

You can use scaling in SpotlightXL to see numeric values in the tens, hundreds, thousands, and so on. Displaying numbers in a smaller form can make a report appear cleaner and easier to understand. For example, on the Report Design page for the Annual Sales Revenue report, the Thousands scaling Amount Format is applied and then saved.

When you run the report, numbers are divided by 1000 and displayed in the worksheet. The source data is not changed.

Save / Save As

The Save allows you to save the report. When you select 'Save As' from the Report Design page to save the report, all Report Properties are reset to default settings except for 'created' and 'modified' properties. Update the Report Properties accordingly. Define group access for the new report. The 'Created On' and 'Created By' fields are automatically updated by the system based on the user initiating the 'Save As' action. The 'Modified On' and 'Modified By' fields remain blank until modifications are made to the report.

If 'Save As' is chosen from the Report Design Properties page, most Report Properties, such as Design Manager, Format Manager, and Point of View (POV) settings, will remain the same as in the source report, except for group access, 'created,' and 'modified' properties, which can be modified. Define group access for the new report. The 'Created On' and 'Created By' fields are updated automatically by the system. The 'Modified On' and 'Modified By' fields will be empty until changes are made to the report content.

How to Perform Save As for a Report in SpotlightXL with Default Selections?

  1. Go to Report >Design.
  2. Select Save or Save As.
  3. Enter a name for the report and select Save.

How to Perform Save As for a Report in SpotlightXL with Source Selections?

  1. Go to Report >Design.
  2. Click Properties.
  3. Select Save or Save As.
  4. Enter a name for the report and select Save.

More - Capture Data/Capture Entire Workbook

This action captures metadata for report intersections and converts the report to an Excel Report. You can Capture Data from either Run mode or Design mode. Click here, for more details.


The Calculation option provides a quick way to adjust underlying Calculations and associated Formulas to achieve desired results whether in Report/View Design or Run mode. For example, let's say you have a View where you forecast units and multiply the price to result in sales. Now, you can quickly change a Calculation and associated Formula to recalculate forecasted sales to provide another sales scenario.

Report Properties

Clicking the Properties option allows you to save the report to a specified model, select groups with access to the report, and define Point of View (POV) selections and filter criteria. Below is a description of each option within the Properties section:


Enter a brief description of the report.


Display dimension members by label (Display Label ) or Code. This functionality provides the flexibility to both analyze and report the data based on Code or based on Display Labels for the dimensions in the Model.

This functionality eliminates the need for lookups. However, you can continue to use lookups. If you want to use Display Label functionality for a model that has been sourced from Structured Planning, Consolidation, and Reporting applications with lookups, we recommend that you recreate the model.

For models sourced from Structured Planning, Consolidation, and Reporting applications, the Display Label defaults to the dimension member code name. For example, if a dimension member is named Executive and the code is Exec, the Display Label would be Exec - Executive. If no name exists for the dimension member, the dimension member code is displayed. You can set the Display Label for each report or view.

See Also: Customizing the Display Label

Hide Gridlines

Yes - Hide gridlines from display in the report.

No - Show gridlines in the report which is the default.

Hide Headers

Yes - Hide header lines from display in the report.

No - Allow header lines to display in the report, which is the default.

Enable Save

Save data for all models available in the report and run the calculation without saving the data.

None - This is the default option, when selected no data will be saved.

Calculation Model - This option saves the data of the model where the calculation is running. This means that when you save the report, the calculation is executed automatically as part of the save function.

All Models - This option saves the data for all models available in the report or a specific model in the report.

Click to view a drop-down that provides the possible selections:

Calculation Model - Select a model to save the report to. You can display data from multiple models on a single report, if you would like to make changes and save them back to a model, only one model can be selected.

Calculation on Save - Include a Calculation, which provides the order in which the calculations take place. The calculation will be executed when you click Save. The calculation name should be provided in the available property. This property is dependent upon the Enable Save property when creating a model. Enable Save must be set to Yes to execute this calculation.

By default, Calculations run in the background, and users must wait until the calculation is complete before continuing to use the report. Power Users can set an application-wide setting to run calculations in the background for all views and reports that trigger calculations. Those calculations must have been created with the option Run in Background set to Yes. After the calculation has completed its processing, an email is automatically sent to the user that triggered it.

Our recommendation is to set this option to Yes.

  1. Select Manage > Application Administration > Application Settings. Scroll down to the Calculation Property section. After making changes, click Save. Then logoff and log in again to see the effect of the changes.

  2. Select Model > Calculation to ensure that the calculation was set up with Run in Background set to Yes.

  3. You can see a list of all calculations and their current background setting by choosing Model, Setup. Select the model, then scroll down to the Calculations section.

  4. Verify that the calculation is set up to run when the user clicks Save from a view or report by reviewing the view or report properties.

  5. When the user clicks Save in the view or report, they see the following message:
The view or report does not refresh the data automatically after the user clicks Save.

Refresh on POV Change

Yes - automatically update the report based on point-of-view changes.

No - the report will not be updated when point-of-view changes are made.

Suppress Rows

None - This is the default. Blank and Zero rows will appear in the report.

Zero - Rows with zero values will be hidden in the report.

Blank - Rows that contain no data (blank) will be hidden in the report.

Both - Zero & Blank - Both Blank and Zero rows will be hidden in the report.

Suppress Columns

None - This is the default. Blank and Zero columns will appear in the report.

Zero - Columns with zero values will be hidden in the report.

Blank - Columns that contain no data (blank) will be hidden in the report.

Both - Zero & Blank - Both Blank and Zero columns will be hidden in the report.

Created On

The date the view was created. The system populates this cell.

Created By

The username of the user who created the view. The system populates this cell.

Modified On

The date on which the view was last modified. The system populates this cell.

Modified By

The username of the user who last modified the view. The system populates this cell.


The name of the user group you want to have access to the report. You can assign more than one group access to the report. This field is optional. You do not need to specify a group for the newly created report. If no group is specified, the report can only be viewed by you.

You can add group access to only the group(s) for which you are a member. For example, if you are a member of Group “Finance” but not “Operations”, you can assign Group “Finance” and you will receive a validation error if you try to set access to “Operations”. The list of available groups is the complete list of groups to which you have access and also have access to the model for which you are trying to save a report.


Select POV to define a dimension to control the data displayed in a report. POV is a user-specific method of modifying settings to desired dimension members. POVs apply to all objects on a report (for example, grids and charts).


Select a dimension member based on the POV dimension selected.

Variable Name

The name of the substitution variable applied to the report.


The name of the model the report is associated with.


The dimension member will be replaced with the entered/selected substitution variable.

Enabling Menu Items in Views and Reports: Save Data and Breakback

To enable save data and breakback, click here.

Adding Groupings to Reports

Rows and columns can be grouped and saved for a report from SpotlightXL. Multiple groupings can be defined for a single report. When the reports defined in SpotlightXL are accessed from Spotlight (web version), the grouping defined on the report in SpotlightXL is retained. This functionality is available for all reports created for any model.

How to Add a Group to a Report?

  1. In SpotlightXL, navigate to the Report > Design.

  2. Highlight the rows or columns you want to group as shown below.

  3. Click the Data tab and select Group.

  4. Return to the SpotlightXL tab and click Save.

    Run the report. Notice the grouping is applied.

How to Add a Chart to a Report?

To add a chart to a report in SpotlightXL, ensure you are logged in and have the necessary user access to design reports.

  1. In SpotlightXL, go to Report > Design.
  2. Click the Insert menu tab and select a required Chart.

    You may have up to 4 charts per analysis. See Chart Formatting and Types for other types of charts supported.
  3. Drag the chart to position it within the spreadsheet. Format the report as desired.

  4. Click the SpotlightXL tab and click Save. Select Report > Run from the subtask selections to view the results of your work.

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