Employees Overview
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Employees Overview

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Article summary

Employees are where the employee details will show for all of the employees in a specific scenario and entity. While information can be updated here, it is typically updated from the Structured Planning > Planning Control Panel. In the Workforce Planning Setup area, the employee area is primarily used to view employee information or make changes before rolling it out to individual budget owners. 

Before adding or loading any employees though, the Workforce Planning setup must be completed.

  • The Employee tab and the Employees page accessed via the HR - Workforce Planning template from the Planning Control Panel are identical. However, the sequence of options may vary. 
  • This article highlights specific options exclusive to the Employee tab and the Employees page for your ease of understanding.

Once you navigate to the Workforce Planning Setup area, the Employees tab is the default and the first visible tab.


Refer to the following How-Tos for quick reference:

Now, let's explore all the options on the Employees tab.

The order of the tabs in this article is structured based on the sequence of options visible on this screen. 

Adding Employees

You can add employees to a Workforce template for planning purposes. Click here to learn more about how to add employees.

  • The changes you make to all the fields in the Roster views are reflected on the Employees page on opening an HR- Workforce Planning template accessed from the Planning Control Panel as well.
  • Once you add employees, click Reload to retrieve up-to-date employee information. It is recommended to click reload whenever you need the latest employee data, especially when you have processed employee-related tasks.

Once you have added an employee, you can edit their profile later. Click here to learn how to edit an employee's profile.

Processing Employees

This option provides the capability to process multiple employees across multiple budget entities automatically. The following are the options you see under the Process menu:

  • CURRENT BUDGET ENTITIES: This option allows you to process employees within the budget entities that you’ve already selected in the Budget Entity field on the main screen. Select this option when you are sure that the budget entities chosen in the Budget Entity field are correct and do not need modification. This is a quick way to process employees for these specific budget entities without needing to make further adjustments.

    Options under CURRENT BUDGET ENTITIES are:
    • All Employees: Select this option to process all employees within the budget entities that you’ve already selected. Once selected, a notification will appear on your screen, confirming that the process request has been submitted.
    • Unprocessed Employees: Select this option to process only the employees within the selected budget entities who haven’t yet been processed. This is useful if you want to avoid duplicating processes for employees who have already been handled.
  • SELECTED BUDGETED ENTITIES: This option allows you to select different budget entities or additional ones, beyond those already chosen in the Budget Entity field, before processing employees. Use this option if you need to refine or expand your selection of budget entities. This is ideal when your processing requires more specific or additional entities than those initially selected.

    • All Employees: Select this option to choose one or more budget entities and then process all employees within those selected entities. This provides flexibility if you need to focus on specific entities not currently selected.
    • Unprocessed Employees: Select this option to select one or more budget entities and process only the unprocessed employees within those entities. This ensures that only employees who haven’t been processed in the selected entities are handled.

Now, let's see the instructions on how to process employees.

How to Process Employees?To process employees, do the following:
  1. Navigate to Maintenance > Workforce > Workforce Planning Setup. You are on the Employees tab.
  2. Click the Process option and a drop-down menu will appear.

  3. Click the options under this menu to process budget entities:
    1. Current Budget Entities
      1. All Employees: Select this to process all the employees in the current budget entities (for the entities that you have already selected from the Budget Entity field).

      2. Unprocessed Employees: Select this to process all the unprocessed employees for the entities that you have already selected from the Budget Entity field.
    2. Selected Budget Entities
      1. All Employees: Select this to choose an entity or entities, and then process all the employees of the selected entity.
      2. Unprocessed Employees: Select this to choose an entity or entities, and then process all the unprocessed employees of the selected entity.
        If you select specific budget entities in addition to the ones chosen from the Budget Entity field, the Process Setup window displays on the right side of your screen.

  4. In the Process Setup window, you can perform the following steps:
    1. Select your desired budget entities from the Budget Hierarchy list.
    2. Enter a name for the process in the Process Name field.
    3. If you want to receive email notifications, check the Email notification box. You can also add email addresses in the field provided to notify other users.
    4. Click the Process option once you have filled in all the required details.

Using the Settings Option

This option allows you to personalize the employees’ list page.

How to Customize the Employees Page Using the Settings Option?

To customize the employees' page, do the following:

  1. Navigate to Maintenance > Workforce > Workforce Planning Setup. You are on the Employees tab.
  2. Click the Settings icon. All the column checkboxes are selected by default.

  3. Uncheck the checkbox of the column that you want to hide, and the changes are auto-saved.
  4. The drag indicator is used to reorder the columns. Click the drag indicator next to the desired column to rearrange the columns in a certain order. You can also move the columns on the Employee list page to arrange them in the desired order.

  5. To export this information, go to the More menu and then select Export as Excel.

  6. Click Reset to revert the columns to the default arrangement available in the application.

Using the More Menu

The More menu has two categories: Reports and Others.

  • The options are different under the More menu on the Employees page when accessing from the Planning Control Panel as shown below.
  • The Reports option is available separately on the Employees page as shown below.

Options Under More Menu
  • Reports: Here you find the report views for the options under this category. You can publish, export, or view the employee budget details by compensation item or GL account. Click here to learn more about this option.
  • Others: This category has options that allow you to view the documents mapped to templates, notes that have been added, mass updating employees, and the option to customize the roster for the users accessing the employees' page from the planning control panel.
    • Documents: This option displays all the documents that have been added or mapped to the templates for reference.
    • All Notes: This option displays all the notes that have been added while adding the employees. Using this option, you can:
      • Select multiple budget entities from the Budget Entity field.
      • Use the Search field to search for an employee name, employee number, or position description.
    • Mass Update: This option allows you to make mass changes to employee details. Click here to learn more about mass update.
    • Customize Roster: This option allows to add compensation items to the roster. Click herefor more about the customize roster option.
      This option is available only for the Employees tab.

Using Advanced Search

The Advanced Search option allows you to view all the entities listed in the grid by default, as a search option. You can move the search fields up or down or deselect the fields you no longer wish to include in the Advanced search popup with the settings icon drop-down. You can apply a search, reset the search or clear the search entirely.

The Settings option allows you to select or unselect columns to be displayed on the Employees tab. The columns you choose to be visible will also appear in the Advanced Search pop-up. For instance, if you unselect the Employee Type and Home Budget Entity columns in Settings, they will not be visible on the Employees page, and the Advanced Search pop-up will also exclude those fields.

How to Use Advanced Search for Employees?

To use the Advanced Search option for employees, do the following:

  1. Navigate to Maintenance > Workforce > Workforce Planning Setup. You are on the Employees tab.
  2. Click the Advanced Search icon. You can fill in the required fields to search specific employee data.
    • If the Current Review in the drop-down is selected as an Amount, the Current Review percent field will be disabled, and vice versa.
    • If the Budget Review in the drop-down is selected as an Amount, the Budget Review percent field will be disabled, and vice versa.
    • The numeric fields consist of decimal rounding up to two decimal places. This will round up the value input by the user and the existing data to compare the two values and perform the search.
    • You cannot enter non-numeric characters in the numeric fields.

  3. Click Apply. The Employee information is displayed.

  4. Click the Cancel button to delete the selected search combination.

  5. Click the Reset button to restart the search selection.
    • The numeric fields consist of decimal rounding up to two decimal places. This will round up the value input by the user and the existing data to compare the two values and perform the search. 
    • You cannot enter non-numeric characters in the numeric fields.

  6. Click Clear Search to clear the advanced search results displayed on the employee roster screen.

Exploring Additional Options

These options appear only when you select the employee record(s).

Copying Employees

Using this feature, you can seamlessly copy the employee(s) from one scenario to another. This reduces manual effort hours and minimizes errors, thus improving accuracy. Click here to learn more about this feature.

Deleting Employees

This option is used to delete the employee or employee position.

How to Delete Employee or Employee Position?

  1. Navigate to Maintenance > Workforce > Workforce Planning Setup. You are on the Employees tab.
  2. Select one or more employees you want to delete.
  3. Click the Delete icon.

  4. Select the Delete Employee(s) or Delete Position(s) option to delete the selected employee or employee position.
Let's understand this with an example:

Delete Employee example:

For example, consider that you have selected the 2021 Budget scenario that consists of multiple employees. You have selected Michelle Wright for the Senior Analyst position for deletion. Michelle Wright has multiple positions (Analyst, Senior Analyst, and Controller).

When you select the Delete Employee(s) option, the selected employee and her respective position (Senior Analyst) are deleted from the scenario. In addition, all other positions associated with Michelle Wright are also removed from the scenario.

Delete Position example:

For example, consider that you have selected the 2021 Budget scenario that consists of multiple employees. You have selected Michelle Wright for the Senior Analyst position for deletion. Michelle Wright has multiple positions (Analyst, Senior Analyst, and Controller).

When you select the Delete Position(s) option, only the selected position (Senior Analyst) of the employee is deleted from the scenario. However, all other positions associated with Michelle Wright will continue to remain in the scenario.

Duplicating Employees

Using this option you can duplicate the employee records. Click here to learn more about this option.

Using Master Checkbox

This option enables you to select all records on multiple pages, allowing you to update or delete multiple employees simultaneously.

There are two options for the Master checkbox:

  • Select Current Page: Select this to select all employees on the current page.
  • Select All Records: Select this to select all employees in the selected budget entity or entities.
Employees in a locked state will not be selected when using any of these options.

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