User Creation
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    User Creation

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    Article summary

    The CreateUser call is used to automatically create a new user(s) with specified roles and properties. The current Data Load Rules option allows Native type users to be created only (no single sign on users). The Dimension Security API allows you to create both Native and SSO user types.

    A customer supplies a data load file with user information for users to be created in Planful. A Boomi process (or any other Soap API) consumes the API to perform the required user creation and update tasks. If the user is already present in the tenant group, but mapped to another tenant, the API will map the user to that tenant. When a user is added to a tenant, the API will not update the first name, last name, and roles/properties for the user if the information differs from current user details.

    Format of API String

    Bool CreateUser(string firstName, string lastName, string userLogin, string navigationRole, string reportingRole, string supportRole, string authenticationType, bool isActive, string loginName, string password, string tenantCode)

    Data that needs to be supplied to the API:

    • FirstName – In string format
    • LastName – In string format
    • UserLogin – A valid email ID (the API will check to see if the user is already mapped in the application)
    • NavigationRole - Existing navigation role
    • ReportingRole - Existing reporting role
    • SupportRole - Existing support role type (the API validates if the number of administrators are within the allowed limit)
    • IsBMEUser - In Boolean format (provide true for granting BME access to the User support role; otherwise false)
      For the support roles of Administrator and Budget Manager, the user gets access according to the specified role, regardless of the Boolean value.
      • An Administrator gets access to both the Full Experience and the Budget Manager Experience
      • A Budget Manager gets access only to the Budget Manager Experience
    • authenticationType – In string format
    • status – In Boolean format (“false” for Inactive, “true” for Active)
    • DynamicPlanningUser - If the user is a Dynamic planning user (Yes or No)
    • DynamicPlanningRole - If the user is a Dynamic Planning user, then this field must have an appropriate Dynamic Planning Role type
    • LoginName, Password, and TenantCode – the credentials of the user are used to authenticate the API connection

    Following is sample request and response code of a successful API call.

    Sample Request

    <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ns="">
            <ns:NavigationRole>Super Admin</ns:NavigationRole>
            <ns:ReportingRole>Regular User</ns:ReportingRole>

    Sample Response

    <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ns="">
    Dynamic Planning User and Role are not supported through User Load in Data Load Rules.

    Dynamic Planning Users and Roles are supported only in those applications where the Unified User Management is enabled. You can contact Planful Support to enable this feature in your application.

    Sample Call

    (“Prasanna””Lakshmi”,””,”BudgetAdministrator”,”RegularUser”,”SSO”,true,””,”planfulusertest”,”QATenant”)Invalid Input - User already exists in the tenant
    <message>User already exists in current tenant.</message>
    	Valid Input - User created successfully
    <message>User Created Succesfully.</message>

    Invalid Cases

    • The user’s first name is null or empty
    • The user login is not a valid email, the email already exists in the tenant, or the email is present in another tenant group
    • The navigation role, reporting role, or support role is invalid
    • The authentication type is not Native or SSO. The authentication type must match the tenant authentication type

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