Using Group Management
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Using Group Management

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Article summary

Group Management has three features:  


Groups are defined for security purposes. For example, define a group of users that have access to specific models, sub-models, and views.

Define groups by entering the name of the group under the Group cell.

On the User Group page, associate users with the groups you define here. Only Power and Contributor users can assign and remove a user's access to a group.

How to Add Groups?

  1. In SpotlightXL, navigate to the Manage task and the Group Management > Group subtask.
  2. Add a new group name and select Save to add a new group.

User Group

Add users to groups defined on the User Group page. Enter the user's login ID under the Username cell and enter the group the user belongs to under the Group cell. Only Power users can assign and remove users to and from groups.

Group permission does not take effect until you log off and then log in again. For example, if you are a Power user and you assign yourself to a new group, you must log off and then log in again to gain access to the newly defined group.

How to Add User Groups?

  1. In SpotlightXL, navigate to the Manage task and the User Group subtask. Add a new row that maps the users to the groups desired. 
  2. Select Save to add the users to the groups.
  3. Select the Manage task and the User Management subtask.
  4. In the Username cell enter the user's login ID.
  5. In the Role cell, select Power, Contributor, or Reviewer. For information on each of these roles, see User Roles.
  6. Enter a temporary password for a new user in the Password field.
  7. Select a User Type: Business or External. For information on these types, see User Types.
  8. Click Save.

Group Access

The Group Access page allows you to assign group access for artifacts (all artifacts or models, views, reports, snapshots, and calculations specifically) within a Dynamic Planning application.

If you select All Artifacts, All Groups, and All Models the system will display up to 1000 line items (artifacts) and 20 columns (groups). If more than 1000 rows exist, you will receive a message indicating that you can filter on a specific model, artifact, or group. If more than 20 columns exist, you will receive a message indicating to filter on a specific group

How to Assign Group Access for All Artifacts?

  1. In SpotlightXL, navigate to Manage > Group Management > Group Access.
  2. For Artifact, select All Artifacts.
  3. Select the group you want to provide access to in the Group field.
  4. Select the model you want to provide access to in the Model field.
  5. Model, View, Report, and Snapshot artifacts are available. Select or enter all models, views, reports, and snapshots you want to provide access to in the perspective area.
  6. Click Save.

How to Assign Groups Access to a Single Artifact?

  1. In SpotlightXL, navigate to Manage > Group Management > Group Access.
  2. For Artifact, select Model, View, Report, or Snapshot.

How to Assign Group Access to Calculations?

To assign group access to calculations, the Enable User Group Permissions default value must be Yes on the Application Settings page.

Notice that the Calculation option is now available under the Artifact list box on the Group Access page.

  1. In SpotlightXL, navigate to the Manage > Group Management > Group Access.
  2. For Artifact, select Calculation.
  3. Select the group you want to provide access to in the Group field.
  4. Select the model you want to provide access to in the Model field.
  5. Enter the Calculation you want to provide group access to.
  6. Click Save.

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