How to Backup a Model in SpotlightXL
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How to Backup a Model in SpotlightXL

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Article summary

A model backup is like creating a duplicate of your data for that specific model. It ensures your work remains safe in case of accidental deletion or system issues, allowing you to continue without interruptions.

  1. In SpotlightXL, select the Manage task and navigate to Application Administration > Model Backup/Restore subtask.
  2. Select Backup.
  3. From the list box, select the model you wish to back up.
  4. In the data drop-down list, select the desired level.
    Best practice is to select Leaf level.
  5. Click Backup.
  6. Specify the location for storing the backup file.
  7. Click Save.

Limitations: The maximum size for model backup and/or restore is 200 MB by default. If data backup is selected, the system checks to ensure data is under 200 MB. For larger sizes, contact Planful Support to increase the limit to 500 MB. There is no metadata size limitation.

Certain items, such as permissions, are not included in the backup. Be sure to review user and model permissions:

  • Model Permissions: These must be recreated in the target application; Administrators will have default access.
  • Users, Groups, and User Groups: These are application-specific and not included in the backup.
  • Additional Data Sources: Non-Planful data sources are not backed up.

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