How to Build a Workforce Dashboard?
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How to Build a Workforce Dashboard?

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Article summary

Situation: Extrapolate information on the following data:

Salary trends by department

Total cost per headcount

A 5 year headcount trend

Total headcount


To achieve the resolution below, see the steps to create the dashboard.

Steps to Create the Dashboard

Step 1: Load the Latest Data to Planful

Whether you use Data Load Rules, Web Services, or Cloud Services, ensure all data is loaded to the Planful application.

Step 2: Security and Navigation Access

See the Dashboards Admin Guide for information on data security and Dashboards navigation access.

Step 3: Build the Dashboard

  1. Go to Dashboards.

  2. From the Organizer, click the Add button.

  3. Enter a name. For example, Workforce Dashboard.

  4. Click the Chart icon.

Step 4: Build the Charts

There are 4 charts on the dashboard;

  • Salaries 5 Yr Trend by Department

  • Total Cost per Headcount

  • Headcount Trend

  • Total Headcount

Step 6: Recreate the Dashboard:

  1. Drag the line chart to the canvas and drop it.

  2. Select Settings and select the Workforce Reporting Area.

  3. Enter Salaries 5 Year Trend by Department for the custom X axis name.

  4. Click Add Dimensions and select CompensationItem.

  5. Click CompensationItem and select the Salaries and Benefits member.

  6. Add a second dimension to the X axis by clicking Add Dimension and selecting the Department dimension.

  7. Select the Cost Centers, Direct Sales & COS and Design Depts members.

  8. On the Y axis, select the Scenario dimension. Select the Actual member.

  9. On the Y axis, select the Time dimension.

  10. Click the Time dimension and select 5 years.

  11. Click the tick (checkmark) to save the chart.

  12. Continue to build other charts.

  13. Click Save.

Now you can share your dashboard with other users and add a thumbnail.

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