How to Create a Staging Model?
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    How to Create a Staging Model?

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    Article summary

    1. Create the Staging Model.
      1. Create a new staging model with the same dimensions as the source model.
      2. Create a map of type Both to move all metadata and data from the source model to the staging model.
      3. Generate the staging model.
    2. Clear the source model and make necessary changes (i.e. adding a dimension / deleting a dimension).
    3. Move the data (leaf level only) into the source model from the staging model.
      1. Create a map of type Data to move data from the staging model to the source model.
      2. Create a calculation to generate the source model and move the data from the staging model.
      3. Run aggregation or any other calculations as needed to make the source model available for analysis/reporting/modeling.
    4. Delete the staging model.

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