How to Edit an Employee Profile?
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How to Edit an Employee Profile?

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Article summary

The employee number acts as a link to the employee's details. So to edit an employee, select the employee by clicking the checkbox and then click on the employee number link of the respective employee. This functionality is accessible on the Employees page and Employees tab.

To edit an employee profile, do the following:

  1. Navigate to Maintenance > Workforce > Workforce Planning Setup. You are on the Employees tab.
  2. Click on the employee number link of the respective employee. This functionality is accessible on the Employees page and Employees tab.

    You can also update employee data from the roster view. Double-click on any of the fields to start editing.

    • After editing a field(s) in an employee profile, you can see an indicator showing that it has been modified. 
    • Clicking Save will remove this indicator, confirming that your changes have been saved.
    • Once you edit employees, click reload to retrieve up-to-date employee information. It is recommended to reload whenever you need the latest employee data, especially when you have processed employee-related tasks. 

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