How to Use Excel Based Formulas in SpotlightXL
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How to Use Excel Based Formulas in SpotlightXL

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Article summary

You can write to data intersections that have Excel-based formulas on reports. More simply, when you design a report you can “capture” data intersections, or the combination of dimensional intersections, that define a value on a report. This will ensure that when you run the report it is always referencing the most current data from the database.

Excel-based formulas can be defined on a data intersection previously “captured” for a report. This enables you to manipulate drivers in a model that updates calculated values. For example, you might have units, price, and revenue measures. You can capture all three of these measures to be included in a report. You can then update the report to have revenue calculated as units * price. When a user selects save on the report then the updated value for the data intersection (revenue) will be written to the database and will be the newly retrieved value the next time the report is run.

  1. In SpotlightXL, go to the Report > Design.
  2. In the required cell, enter the excel formula.
  3. Click Save. Name the report Excel report.
You cannot view this report in Spotlight as it has an Excel-based formula.
You must manually enter an Excel formula for each cell. Do not copy and paste Excel formula cells as the Member Cell (discussed earlier in these release notes) is not captured.

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