Line Item Category Overview
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Line Item Category Overview

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Article summary

Line Item Category provides flexibility to tailor templates according to specific needs. Unlike traditional templates where they are predefined and users are limited to inputting data into templates from the Planning Control Panel, the Line Item Category allows users to build and customize their own templates. Administrators identify the line items that can be selected in the template, but the specific lines planned in the template are mostly user-driven.

This approach is particularly useful for businesses with a high-level Chart of Accounts (COA) where standard templates may not adequately capture the nuances of their planning needs.

For example, a company might have a general account called "5600 - Professional Services," but the actual expenses could vary widely, including costs for "Audit," "Legal Fees," "Outside Consultant," and more. With Line Item Categories, admin users can create subcategories that qualify these expenses, allowing for more precise planning. 

This level of customization empowers users to participate actively in the template setup, fostering a more collaborative and tailored approach to planning. 

An example of line item categories is provided below. 


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