Using Global Fields
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Using Global Fields

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Article summary

Global fields are reusable data fields or variables that can be defined once and then applied across multiple planning templates, within the platform. These fields ensure consistency in data entry and reporting by standardizing the input options available to users. Global fields are used to streamline data management, ensure consistency, and make the planning process more efficient and scalable across the organization.

How to Add a Global Field?

  1. Navigate to Maintenance > Planning Templates > Global Fields.
  2. Click Add
  3. Enter a Global Field Code and Name to identify it.
  4. For Global Field Format, select from the following:
    • Number - Store global field data (i.e. rates) in Number format to be used in planning calculations within a template.
    • Currency - Store global field data in Currency format. A currency symbol will be placed before the numerical value.
    • Percent - Store global field data in Percent format. A percent symbol will be placed after the numerical value.
    • Text - Store global field data in Text format.
  5. Select the number of decimals for display in the template. For example, if you select two, a number will display as 00.00.
  6. For Unit Description, you can optionally enter an additional description of the global field.

How to Input Global Field Data?

Now that the global field is added, input global field values. Global field values are maintained by a scenario with values entered against the budget entity. Once Global Fields are entered in the Default Scenario, you can map them to other scenarios and budget entities during entity mapping.

  1. On the Global Fields page, select a global field and click Global Fields Data Input. The Global Fields Data Input page is displayed.
  2. Ensure the Default Scenario is selected. Select a budget entity in the left pane.
  3. Click Add Global Fields for Data Values
  4. Select a global field from the list and click Add

  5. Enter the global field value in the Value column for the associated global field.
  6. Click Save. The global field values will be saved and Map Status will be checked.

How to Map a Global Field to Another Scenario and Budget Entities?

Once you initially map the global fields to a scenario and budget entities, you can then map Global Fields to additional scenarios and entities from the same page. 

  1. Click Global Fields Data Input on the Global Fields page. 
  2. Click Add. The Add Global Fields page appears.
  3. On the Add Global Fields page, select global fields for the scenario and then click Add.
  4. Enter a value for the global field and then click Save.
  5. Map the newly added global field to entities associated with the scenario. All entities are listed in the left pane.
  6. Select the global field and click CopyTo in the right pane. The Copy To-Budget Entities page is displayed.
  7. Select the checkbox next to each budget entity you want to map the global field to and click Copy.
    Once you create global fields, enter values, and map to scenarios and budget entities, you must map the global field to templates mapped to the scenario. Click here to learn more.

How to Mass Update Global Fields?

Export all Global Fields by Name, Code, or Label (name + code). This option is useful when trying to make a large number of Global Field changes or adjustments.

If you want to make a large number of changes or adjustments by budget entity, the best practice is to use the Global Fields Mass Load feature. If you only want to make a small number of changes to a handful of entities, it is best practice to do that manually, as it is typically easier and quicker. Below are the necessary steps for using the Global Fields Mass Load feature.

  1. Use the Export to Excel feature explained above to export the Global Fields by Budget Entity Code. You should have a file like the one shown below.

  2. Once the file is exported make the necessary adjustments and save the newly exported file to your local machine. It is important that you remove the header row before loading to Planful. If you do not remove this row, all other lines will load but the load will fail for the header row. For example, you load a file with 1 header row and 10 data rows. Only the header row fails because it has invalid data. The other 10 data rows are uploaded.

  3. You can use the Upload file option.
    The purpose of the Upload file button is to allow administrators to upload changes and updates to all Global Field values by entity without having to enter values one at a time.
  4. Select the saved file to load, by clicking the Choose File button.

    You can upload XLSX file types only with a maximum size of 10MB and 30k rows.
  5. Click Submit to perform the upload. A message will appear indicating the upload is processing and you can check the status in the Detail Log.

  6. You can copy the global field values of an entity from one scenario to another. Instead of selecting each line, select the global field(s) and click the Copy To option to copy the global field to any entities and scenarios.

  7. Select a Scenario, Budget Entities and click Copy.

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