Managing Reports Access
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Managing Reports Access

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Article summary

To provide users and user groups with access to generated reports, each user or user group must be assigned access privileges. Any user with access to User & Role Management can update Report Access for a user, user group, or artifact. 

There are two predefined reporting roles available for users, which are defined on the Add or Edit User page: 

  • Report Administrator: Full control of all report artifacts and folders, including sub-folders 
  • Regular User: Permissions for regular users depend on the security permissions assigned to them at the artifact, folder, and sub-folder levels

Let's explore the options available on the Report Access page

How to Add Report Access Permissions for a User or User Group?

This option allows you to provide permissions to multiple artifacts available in the Reports File Cabinet.

To add Report Access permissions for a user or user group, follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to Maintenance > Administration > User & Role Management > User. If you want to configure for a User Group, click the User Group tab.
  2. Select a user or user group from the list, click the Security Options icon (either from the header or from the security options icon in the Security column), and then Report Access.
    The Report Access page with the list of reports/folders the user has access to appears.
    If you are configuring for a new user or user group, you cannot see any of the reports on the report access page initially. 
  3. Click the Bulk Action menu and select Add Permissions.
    If you are configuring for a new user or user group, then you can go to Bulk Action > Add Permissions or click the Add a Folder or Report Permission for the selected user name/user group name option.
  4. Select the artifacts you wish to give access to. You can see all the selected reports in the Selected section of the pop-up.
    Note that if you are adding permissions to the existing user/user group, the checkbox for the artifacts they already have access to will be disabled.

  5. Choose one of the following permissions:
    • Can Read: The user or user group can perform all actions except save, edit, delete, rename, or set security. Users can run the report, drill down, drill through, check the usage report, and add the reports to their favorites
    • Can Edit: The Edit option is enabled only for folders. There is no edit access for reporting artifacts
    • Full Control: The user or user group can do everything allowed by Can Read access and can also save, save as, copy, edit, delete, rename, or set security
      The default selected permission will always be Full Control.
      For new users or user groups, if you select a reporting artifact, you can see that the Can Edit option in the Permissions field is disabled.
      For example, here in the below image, you can see that no permissions have been yet added to the AG - 01 - Admin Group. So when are adding the permissions, and select an artifact other than the folder, you can see that the Can Edit option is disabled.

  6. Change this setting as required, and then click Done. You will see the list of all the reports the user/user group has access to displayed on the Report Access page.
    Access selections made for a report folder are inherited for all the reports in the sub-folders.

  7. Edit the permissions further for individual reports by selecting the report/folder and editing their permissions under the PERMISSIONS column.
  8. To remove access to any of the existing reports, click the X icon in the REMOVE column and confirm your deletion.
  9. Finally, click Save to apply the changes.
    To set up or edit more users or user groups, select them from the User or User Group drop-down menu and repeat the appropriate steps above.

How to Edit Report Access Permissions for a User or User Group?

This allows you to edit or update the permissions for the multiple artifacts assigned to a user or user group. Can Edit access is not applicable to a few artifacts. If you assign Can Edit access to these artifacts, Can Read access is assigned to users by default.

You need to select the FOLDERS/REPORTS or any of the reports/artifacts for the Edit Permissions option to be enabled.
If you do not select the checkbox, then only the Add Permissions option will be visible in the menu.

To edit Report Access permissions for a user or user group, follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to Maintenance > Administration > User & Role Management > User. If you want to edit report access permissions for a User Group, click the User Group tab.
  2. Select a user or user group from the list, click the Security Options icon (either from the header or from the security options icon in the Security column), and then Report Access.
    The Report Access page with the list of reports/folders the user has access to appears.
    If you are configuring for a new user or user group, you cannot see any of the reports on the report access page initially. 
  3. Go to the Bulk Actions menu and click Edit Permissions. You can see the list of all the artifacts the user/user group has access to.
  4. Modify the permissions in the Permissions field.

  5. Edit the permissions further for individual reports by selecting the report/folder and editing their permissions under the PERMISSIONS column.
  6. Finally, click Save to apply the changes.

How to Remove Report Access Permissions for a User or User Group?

This allows you to select multiple artifacts assigned to a user or user group and remove their permissions. If access to a folder is removed, access to any subfolders and artifacts under the folder is automatically removed.

You need to select the FOLDERS/REPORTS or any of the reports/artifacts for the Remove Permissions option to be enabled.
If you do not select the checkbox, then only the Add Permissions option will be visible in the menu.

To remove Report Access permissions for a user or user group, follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to Maintenance > Administration > User & Role Management > User. If you want to edit report access permissions for a User Group, click the User Group tab.
  2. Select a user or user group from the list, click the Security Options icon (either from the header or from the security options icon in the Security column), and then Report Access.
    The Report Access page with the list of reports/folders the user has access to appears.
    If you are configuring for a new user or user group, you cannot see any of the reports on the report access page initially. 
  3. Select the Report/folder you wish to remove the permissions.
  4. Go to the Bulk Actions menu and click Remove Permissions. A pop-up appears on the screen to confirm deletion. Now, click Remove to confirm.

How to Export Report Access Security Details of a User(s)?

You can also export the Report Security details. The report contains information about a user’s access details.

To export the report access details for a user or user group, follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to Maintenance > Administration > User & Role Management > User. If you want to edit report access permissions for a User Group, click the User Group tab.
  2. Select a user or user group from the list, click the Security Options icon (either from the header or from the security options icon in the Security column), and then Report Access.
  3. Click the Export to Excel option.
  4. Select any of the following: 
    1. Export Selected User: This option allows you to export the Report Security details of all the users. Click this and the Report Security Export is downloaded directly to your system. 
    2. Export All Users: Exports the Report Security details of a user or user group selected from the Report Access page. Click this and a notification is displayed that Report Security Export has been submitted for processing. After the process is complete, a link to download the report is displayed. You can either:
      1. Click the link to download.
      2. View the report sent to your registered e-mail address.
Report Security Excel can contain a maximum of 1 million rows.

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