Report Collection Status Information
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    Report Collection Status Information

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    Article summary

    When you run a Report Collection, status information is automatically posted in Job Manager. More details around specific input cases as well as in-application messaging is provided. The table below provides information on results based on Report Collection input.


    Output (Excel or PDF) Status

    Job Manager Status

    Dynamic Report

    Report Collection

    1. One or more Dynamic Reports added to the Report Collection have no data.

    Output file(s) is generated. In Excel tab/PDF output a message is displayed for reports that contain no data. "The result set doesn't contain any Rows and Columns”



    2. The Report Collection contains no reports.

    User gets an alert when they try to process Report Collection. Report Collection job is not created in Job Manager. Output file(s) is not generated. “Unable to generate the Report Collection as reports are not mapped”



    3. Dynamic Reports added to the Report Collection do not have any member selections for page dimension(s).

    Reports are run for default member(s) and output file(s) is generated.



    4. No member selections for the row/column axis dimensions in the Dynamic Reports that are added to the Report Collection.

    Output file(s) is generated and within the Excel tab/PDF output the text “Please select at least one member on Account dimension.”.' is shown for the respective reports.



    The following are other possible use cases that you might encounter after you run a Report Collection and their respective statuses:

    Use CaseStatus
    No access to File Cabinet

    You do not have access to File Cabinet. Contact your administrator.

    No access to the Report
    You do not have access to this report. Contact your administrator.
    No data in the Report
    Unable to generate the report as no data is available for the selected dimensions or attributes.
    Rules Errors in a Report
    Unable to generate the report due to a technical error. Contact Planful’s Support Team.
    You are not authorized to access the Reporting Area
    You do not have access to the Reporting area. Contact your administrator.
    The result set doesn’t contain any columns
    Unable to generate the report as no data is available for the selected dimensions or attributes on the column.
    The result set doesn’t contain any rows
    Unable to generate the report as no data is available for the selected dimensions or attributes on the row.
    You are not authorized to access the Workforce Reporting Area
    You do not have access to the Workforce Reporting area. Contact your administrator.
    Error while Generating the Report. The report set configured by row has no formula.
    Unable to generate the report as the report set. <ReportsetName> configured on the row has no formula.
    Error while Generating the Report. The report set configured by column has no formula.
    Unable to generate the report as the report set. <ReportsetName> configured on the column has no formula.
    Error while Generating the Report. The report set configured by column has no lines.
    Unable to generate the report as the report set. <ReportsetName> configured on the column has no lines.

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