Schedule Currency Conversions Using Cloud Scheduler
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Schedule Currency Conversions Using Cloud Scheduler

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Article summary

  1. Go to Maintenance > Administration > Cloud Scheduler
  2. Select the Process Flow tab and click the Add icon. 
  3. In the General Information tab, fill in the details for Code, Name, and Email Recipients.
  4. Go to the Tasks tab and click the Add Task icon. A New Task window appears.
  5. Select Currency Conversions as the task type.
    Task Name is automatically updated when you select a Scenario, Company, and Period. 
  6. Click the arrow icon next to Scenario, and select a scenario from the list. The scenarios are listed based on your Scenario security settings. 
  7. Click the arrow icon next to Entity, and select an entity from the list. You can select a roll-up or leaf member.
    When you select a roll-up member, the currency conversion process happens to all the leaf members under the roll-up member.
  8. Select a Period from the drop-down list to run the currency conversions process for the selected period. The options available are Current Period, Previous Period, Current Financial Year, and Custom Period.
    When you select Custom Period, choose the From and To (months and years) from the respective date pickers.
    If a non-actual scenario is selected, the Period, From, and To fields become read-only fields.
  9. Optionally, 
    1. Select the Dependencies from the list, if the currency conversions task is dependent on any other process.
    2. Provide the email address in the Email Recipients text box to whom you want to send an email notification when the Currency Conversions are processed. 
  10. Click Save. Currency Conversions are processed based on the Process Flow schedule.
    Click the Run Now icon to run the process immediately.
  11. Go to the Scheduler tab and select the Start Date, Start Time, and Time Zone. To repeat the process, check the Repeat checkbox and fill in the required fields. 
  12. Click Save & Schedule to schedule the process at the specified time.
    • While executing Currency Conversions, the Scenario is locked to avoid conflicts
    • Once the Currency Conversions are processed: 
      • A notification is displayed with a link to the Details View screen where you can find the process details 
      • An email notification is sent to the users configured in the Process Flow against the task. An email is sent every time the task is executed for the Currency Conversions

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