Sharing GTSC and WFP Templates with Budget Managers
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    Sharing GTSC and WFP Templates with Budget Managers

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    Article summary

    Users can share multiple Global Template Single Copy (GTSC) and Workforce Planning (WFP) templates with budget managers or users with Budget Manager access.

    In the Planning Control Panel, when a user selects a scenario and a rollup, the Share Template popup displays all GTSC and workforce templates that are mapped to any leaf entities under the selected rollup.

    How to Share Single Templates with Budget Managers?

    Users can send email notifications to budget managers when sharing Global Templates Single Copy (GTSC) and Workforce Planning (WFP) templates. GTEC, LIT, Block, Allocation, Capital, and Initiative templates cannot be shared with budget managers.

    Perform the following steps to send one or multiple template links via email to Budget Managers:

    1. Navigate to the Planning Control Panel and select the desired Budget entity from the left pane.

    2. From the Template pane, select the desired GTSC or WFP template and click Share.

      The Share Template screen displays the list of budget managers with whom the template has already been shared. If the template is not shared with anyone, the list is empty.

    3. Select one or more templates from the Select Template drop-down associated with the entity selected on the Structured Planning home page.


      • The Permission and View columns will be disabled when sharing multiple templates as they cannot be changed.

      • The View column in the Share Template screen only applies to Global Templates Single Copy (GTSC) templates. Click here to learn more about Views.

    4. In the Search field, enter the required username of the budget manager with whom you want to share the template(s). If you want to add more than one manager, add one after the other.

    5. Click the shield icon next to the added manager and validate the manager’s permissions to access the template. If any permissions are missing, you can directly navigate to User Management from the validate access pop-up and provide the necessary permissions.

      Share Template

    6. Select a view from the drop-down menu next to the budget manager's name. If no selection is made, the default view will be used.

    7. When you share a template with the budget managers, you can customize the content of the email they receive.

    8. Click Enter a Message, and convey any additional information or instructions needed to review or edit the shared template with the users or budget managers.
      The Enter a Message section pre-populates the email content.  You can change the entire email text or add additional information to it as required.

    9. Click Send Email.
      A new action item is also automatically created for the budget manager and an email with a link to access the template is sent to them.

    10. You can also use the Copy Link option to copy the template link and share it with any budget manager directly through a message.
      When you select a budget manager and click Copy Link, a new action item is also automatically created for the budget manager.

    How to Share Multiple Templates with Budget Managers?

    Perform the following steps to share the templates:

    1. Navigate to the Planning Control Panel and select a Budget entity from the left pane.

    2. Select the desired GTSC or WFP template, and click Share.

      The Share Template screen displays.

      If the templates are shared with anyone, the list of budget managers with whom the templates have already been shared will be displayed.

    3. Select the desired GTSC or WFP templates from the Select Templates drop-down.

    4. In the Add budget manager field, enter the required username of the budget manager or user group with whom you want to share the template(s).

      Use Cases:

      1. If any user in the user group doesn’t have Budget Manager access, that user group will not be displayed in the Add budget manager list for sharing templates.

      2. If a template has already been shared with a user and you attempt to share another template, only the intersection of users is loaded.


        • The Permission and View columns will be disabled when sharing multiple templates as they cannot be changed.

        • When multiple templates and users are selected, the view is reset to the Default View.

        • The View column in the Share Template screen only applies to Global Templates Single Copy (GTSC) templates. Click here to learn more about Views.

    5. Click Enter a Message, and convey any additional information or instructions needed to review or edit the shared templates with the users or budget managers.

      The Enter Message section pre-populates the email content.  You can customize the content of the email they receive or add additional information as required.

    6. Click Send Email.

      A new action item is also automatically created for the budget manager and an email with a link to access the templates is sent to them.

    7. You can also use the Copy Link option to copy the template link and share it with any budget manager directly through a message.
      When you select a budget manager and click Copy Link, a new action item is also automatically created for the budget manager.

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