Signals in Dynamic Reports
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Signals in Dynamic Reports

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Article summary

Predict Signals in Dynamic Reports supports Signals for roll-up members, leaf-level members, calculated members, substitution or derived variables, and simple user-defined custom formula members.

Signals are also supported for Dynamic Reports with a Static Report Set that meets the following criteria:

  • The reporting area of the Report Set must be Financial.
  • Only dimension members (non-attribute members) must be selected for the report set.

The following is an illustration of the Predict: Signals button on the top menu bar. Report_Signals Option Signals can be generated for any scenario, as it is not restricted to the precomputed selections.

You must still select the three scenarios for precomputation to view Signals in the Signals Overview page.

Generate Signals

The Signals For All Lines option generates signals instantly for smaller reports of up to 50 lines.

The Signals For Selected Line(s)allows you to check signals when the report's size exceeds the maximum limit of 100 lines without any delay.
Report_Predict Button

Hide Signals

Hide the signals for a report or template if you do not want to view Signals for that report.

Report_Hide Signals

In Dynamic Reports that already have some formatting defined, the Predict Signals severity colors will take precedence over the report formatting used. Hiding Signals will enable you to view the report in its custom formatting.

Resolve Signals
Resolving signals permanently unflags the cells with the specified GL combination(s) and value(s). When you resolve a signal or multiple signals in reports, the signal(s) will be marked as resolved in all other areas of the application for the same GL combination(s).

How to Resolve Signals in Reports?

To resolve signals in reports, perform the following:

  1. Navigate to Reports, and select a dynamic report.
  2. Go to Predict: Signals > Signals for All Lines/Signals for Selected Lines from the top menu bar.
  3. Select the cell(s) or line(s) you want to resolve, and follow any of the two ways as instructed below:
    1. Right-click on the cell, and click Predict Signals > Resolve Signals option from the drop-down list.
      Report_Resolve Signals
    2. Go to Predict Signals drop-down on the menu bar and click Resolve Signals.
      Report_Signals_Resolve Signals
      The Resolve Signals pane will appear.
      Resolve Signals_Screen
  4. Select the reason for resolution from a list of pre-existing options.
    Resolve Signals_Select Reason
    If you resolve multiple signals simultaneously, the same reason will be applied to all.
  5. You can leave a comment or add other collaborators by using + or @ in the comment field.
  6. Click the Resolve button.
    Resolve Signals_Resolve Button
    The resolved signal will appear as a comment in the report. The comment will display the original cell value, the reason for resolving the signal, and any additional comment provided while resolving the signal. You can review a resolved signal by checking the comments.

Show Legend Panel

The Legend Panel displays color codes for signals, each color code represents the following categories: Red (High-Risk), Orange (Medium-Risk), Cyan (Low-Risk), Blue (Insufficient History), and Lavender (Excluded GL).

Full Legend Panel

How to View the Legend Panel?

  1. Navigate to Reports, and select a dynamic report.
  2. Go to Predict: Signals > Signals for All Lines/Signals for Selected Lines from the top menu bar.
    The application displays color-coded signals along with the Legend panel at the bottom of the screen.
    Report_Legend Panel
  3. De-select all unwanted categories in the legend panel to display the desired category.
  4. If you want to hide the legend panel, follow any of the two ways as instructed below:
    1. Click the Hide button in the legend panel.
      Legend Panel_Hide
    2. Click the Predict: Signals > Hide Legend option from the top menu bar.
      Report_Hide Legend
  5. If you want to view the legend panel after hiding it, click the Predict: Signals > Show Legend option from the top menu bar.
    Report_Show legend

Adjust Signals Range

The Signals Range feature temporarily modifies the sensitivity level for a specific template on the fly, affecting only the currently open session. This feature allows you to adjust the sensitivity level to your preferred setting with the help of an easy-to-use slider. You can now customize the sensitivity level to view fewer or more signals.

When you refresh or close the session, the sensitivity will revert to its configured setting in the Predict Admin screen.

Once you have generated signals for the report, you can access the Signals Range option from either of the following ways:

  • Navigate to the Predict: Signals drop-down menu in the top menu bar and select Adjust Signals Range.
    Report_Adjust Signals Range
  • Go to the Legend panel and click Signals Range.

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