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Source to Target Map Table
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Here you must list all the dimensions from the Source (HACPM_Financial) under Source Dimension, whether or not you intend to use them, with exceptions noted below.
The exceptions are BudgetEntity, AttributeHierarchy, and Attribute, which are dimensions in the Source but are not mandatory to be defined or used in the Target. If you choose to use BudgetEntity, simply include it in the map table as you would any other dimension but avoid using AllMembers in the Map table. AttributeHierarchy and Attribute are dimensions whose purpose and implementation are being changed in an upcoming release so that they are not separated out as dimensions. Omit AttributeHierarchy and Attribute from the Map table.
Hint: To get a list of all the Source dimensions, save your Map before you have specified any source dimensions, then go to Model > Setup, select HACPM_Financial, and then copy the dimension names to the Clipboard. Then open a new temporary workbook and copy the dimension names there as a holding place (remember to omit AttributeHierarchy and Attribute, and optionally omit BudgetEntity). Return to the original workbook, return to Model > Map, specify the Target Model and Map Name, then paste the dimensions from the temporary workbook.
Moving between Model > Setup and Model -> Map clears the Clipboard, which is why a temporary workbook is necessary.
Optional: Next, list all the dimensions that are new in the Target model (ie. not copied from the Source) under Target Dimension. Set Source Dimension, Source Filter, and Source Value to None. Target Filter must be set to Dimension Filter and Target Value should be one of the members of the dimension.
For Source Dimensions that you do not plan to use in your Target model, set Source Filter to Dimension Filter (to filter it out) and specify one member from the source dimension where the data will come from. Then specify None for the Target Dimension, Target Filter, and Target Value. If plan to read and write data back and forth between Structured Planning, and the Dynamic Planning application, the member you choose from the source dimension must be a leaf member. If you select a parent member, you will not be able to write back data to that member. In the screenshot below, IC Segment Main is a parent member, so you cannot write back data to it later.
In the first row of the table, there are drop-downs to assist you with selecting the best option for each mapping. In the second and following rows, there are no drop-downs but you can copy/paste the first row to the remaining rows.
Source Filter options
The Source Filter column defines both what metadata is copied into the Target and what data is copied.
When you use this Source Filter… | This Metadata Is Copied | This Data Is Copied |
AllMembers | All members of the dimension will be copied. | Leaf-level data of the dimension will be copied. |
LevelAndAbove | All the members in the specified member level and their parent levels will be copied. | If the members in the level specified are leaf members, their data will be copied.
If the members in the level specified are parent levels, Dynamic Planning aggregates the leaf level data from the Source in order to populate the level specified. |
MemberAndBelow | The member specified and its children will be copied. Any parent levels above the member in the dimension will not be copied into the Target. Note that if you had previously copied AllMembers for this dimension and generated the model, all other members will still exist in the dimension; they will not be removed. Rather, the member specified will be separated out into its own hierarchy but the other parts of the original hierarchy will still be there. To remove the excess hierarchy, go to Model > Setup, Clear Model, then go to Model > Dimension, and delete all members (except the root dimension member) and Save. Then the next time you use Generate Model, only the specified Member and below are copied. | If the member specified is a leaf member, its data will be copied. Since it has no children, no other data is copied.
If the member specified is a parent, grandparent, or more distant parent, only the data for the lowest leaf levels are copied. |
FixedMember | The member specified will be copied. It will be a child of the dimension member. | If the member specified is a leaf member, its data will be copied.
If the member specified is a parent, Dynamic Planning aggregates the leaf-level data from the Source in order to populate the member specified. |
DimensionFilter | This dimension will not be copied. | No data will be copied, but you still need to specify which member affiliation should be used when copying. Since the source is a multidimensional database, all of its data items are affiliated with at least one member of each dimension. |
LeafMembers | All leaf-level members of the specified dimension will be copied. | Data will be copied for all leaf members. |
None In this case, Target Filter Type must be DimensionFilter. | There is no dimension in the Source associated with the Target dimension being defined. | No data is copied because the data is originating in the Target, not the Source. |
Aggregation Operators
The following aggregation operators in Structured Planning application are recognized and used:
+ The value of the member is added to the aggregate value of the preceding sibling member(s).
- The value of the member is subtracted from the value of the preceding sibling member(s).
~ The value of the member is ignored.
The following aggregation operators in Structured Planning application are not recognized and are not used. Dynamic Planning assigns them the operator.
The following operator is available to you in the Dynamic Planning app. It does not come from Structured Planning:
! The value does not include the child member value in the consolidation to its own parent and it is not included in the rollup to any other dimensions either.
Source Value options
The Source Value column defines the starting point for the Source Filter choice.
If Source Filter is…
| Then Source Value should be… |
| None |
| A number indicating the level in the hierarchy. The top (dimension) level is level 1. |
| A member name |
| A member name |
| A member name |
LeafMembers | A parent member name. |
| None |
Target Filter options
The Target Filter usually is the same as the Source Filter, as listed below.
If Source Filter is…
| Then Target Filter should be… |
| AllMembers |
| LevelAndAbove |
| MemberAndBelow |
| FixedMember |
| None |
LeafMembers | LeafMembers |
| DimensionFilter |
Target Value options
The Target Value column defines the starting point for the Target Filter choice.
If Target Filter is…
| Then Target Value should be… |
| None |
| A number indicating the level in the hierarchy. The top (dimension) level is level 1. |
| A member name |
| A member name |
| A member name |
LeafMembers | A parent member name |
| None |
When you save, the system checks the mapping for validity.
At this point, you still have a Source model that has been generated, you have a Target/Master model that has been created at the highest level (dimensions only), and you have defined the way that Dynamic Planning should populate the Target/Master with members, data, or both. The Target/Master model is not yet generated, does not contain members, and does not contain data.