Working with Static Report Set
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Working with Static Report Set

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Article summary


You can create a Static Report by defining each Report Set line item. Static Report Sets often have header lines, Excel lines, reference account lines, and row title lines.


Top Menu Options

The following are the top menu options you can use to create or edit a static report set:

  • Reload - Click the Refresh icon to reload the report.

  • Save - Click the Save icon to save the report.

  • Save As - Click the Save As icon to make a duplicate report and change its name.

  • Add Rows - Enter the number of rows in the field that you want to add and click the Add Rows icon to add rows to the grid.

  • Remove Rows - Enter the number of rows in the field that you want to delete and click the Remove Rows icon.

  • Move Row Up - Click the Move Row Up icon to move the selected rows within the grid.

  • Move Row Down - Click the Move Row Down icon to move the selected rows within the grid.

  • Copy - Click the Copy icon to copy existing rows.

  • Paste - Click the Paste icon to paste the selected rows.

  • Format Painter - Click the Format Painter icon to copy the format of a selected cell and paste the format to other cells. The text and data format is copied from the source to the target cell.

    The Format Painter icon is disabled when you select multiple source cells.

    You can copy the format and paste it to all cells, Report Set lines including row, column headers, merged lines, and Excel formulas. You can copy and paste the data format to the Report Set line only. The format is retained when you Save, Run, Refresh, Save As, Copy, and export a Report Set.


Click the Format icon to open a pane where you can format the lines and data in the grid, and add conditions such as, equal to, not equal to, and so on.


  • Style - Apply bold, italic, underline, or double underline. Select a font, font size, font color, and background color.

  • Alignment & Indentation - Select to align right, center, or left. Select the right or left indent.

  • Borders - Select border options and border color.

  • Miscellaneous- Apply the following line settings to the Report Set:

    • Header

    • Data

    • Header and data

    • Separate Header & data

When you run a Dynamic Report with the Report Set, the formatting is retained.



  • Display As - Select the format in which you want to display the data in the report. The options available are number, percent, or currency format.

  • Currency Alignment - You can define the alignment of the currency symbol to the data using this option. You can choose to have space between the symbol and data or no space.

  • Number Format

    • Decimal- Select the number of decimals you want to display in the Report Set data.

    • Negative Numbers- Select how you want to view the negative numbers in the Report Set data.

    • Reverse Sign- Select any of the following to change the value of the data:

      • Reverse Sign - Changes the value to positive or negative based on the actual sign.

      • Negative to Positive - Changes negative values to positive values.

      • Positive to Negative - Changes positive values to negative values.

      • None - Retains the value without changing its sign. This is the default value.

You can also change the value using the Reverse Sign column available in the grid. If you select an option from the Reverse Sign column, the same option is displayed as selected in the Reverse Sign drop-down list.

  • Number Scale - Select how you want the number scale displayed.

  • Display the thousand separator - Select to display the thousand separator, For example, 5,888 or not 5888.


  • Precedence - Select row or column.

  • Variance - Select the required value from the drop-down list.

  • Solve Order - Enter the solve order value.



  • Add Condition - Click to add conditional formatting to the Report Set.

  • Reference Line - Select the reference line in the Report Set from the drop-down list or select a row in the Report Set.

  • Condition 1 - Displays once you select the reference line and click Add.

  • Condition - Select a condition from the drop-down list you want to apply. For example, if the row is more than zero, it will appear green.

  • Apply - Select this if you want to apply the condition to the Report Set row.

  • Remove All - Select this to remove all conditions from the Report Set.


More Options

Click the More icon to add lines and rules and perform the following grid actions:


Add Lines & Rules

  • Single Dimension - Select this to add multiple lines and rules at once from a single dimension. You can select the required dimension member from the Add Lines & Rules window as displayed in the image below. Using a single dimension, you can bulk upload Report Set lines from a dimension in a Report Set.

Grid Actions

  • Gridlines On/Off - Select this to show or hide gridlines.

  • Freeze On/Off - Select this to turn freeze on or off.

  • Show/Hide Row Header - Select this to show or hide the row header. This option is available only for the Modern Static Report Set.

  • Show/Hide Column Header - Select this to show or hide the column header. This option is available only for the Modern Static Report Set.

  • Show/Hide Formula Bar - Select this to show or hide the formula bar. This option is available only for the Modern Static Report Set.

  • Show Excel only Formula / Show All Formulas - Select this to display only Excel formulas or all formulas. This option is available only for the Modern Static Report Set.


  • Print - Select this to print the Report Set.

  • Print Setup - Select this to apply print settings based on your requirements.

  • Export to Excel - Select this to export the Report Set to Excel.

Show/Hide/Re-arrange Columns

Select the Show/Hide/Re-arrange Columns icon to show, hide, and re-arrange the columns based on your requirements. You can drag and drop a column to reorder in the Show/Hide/Re-arrange Columns drop-down list. The column settings are retained when you access the Report Set next time and export a Report Set to Excel.


You cannot rearrange the first four columns in the grid.

Enable Modern Features

Select this toggle button to convert the Classic Report Set to Modern, and all the new features will be displayed in the Report Set.

You cannot revert to Classic features once you enable the Modern features. The new features will be applied to Dynamic Reports created using the Report Set where Modern Features are enabled.

Grid Actions

You can perform the following actions:

Change Line Type

Select the required cell under the Line Type column in the grid and the following options available:

  • Reference Account - Select this option to map the selected line to a dimension member.

  • Header - It provides a visual space within a report.

  • Row Title - This allows for the data commonly found in Column A of a report to be relocated to a different column.

  • Excel - Allows you to enter Excel formulas for the line. You can enter the formulas in Column F of the report set.

  • Variance - Work in conjunction with Column K of the report set to show Favorable/Unfavorable variances.


Select this to copy the selected cell.


Select this to paste the copied cell.

Insert Copied Rows

Select this to insert copied rows.

Add / Edit Rule

Clicking Add or Edit in the Rule column to open the Add Rule or Edit Rule window. Select the Single, Multiple, or Advanced tab based on your requirements. You can add single or multiple members from the selected dimension, as well as the actual rule itself.

The selected options in a Report Set are dynamically applied at Dynamic Report run time instead of adding members to Report Set lines one time at the setup. This ensures that any new members added to the hierarchy are pulled dynamically without making any changes to Report Set definitions. This applies to Main, Alternate, Attribute, and Attribute Hierarchies, Substitution (Standard and Derived) Variables when used within the Single-dimension rule in a Report Set.

Single Tab

Select this to add a single dimension to the Report Set. The following fields are available only on the Single tab:

  • Suppress Indents

    Select this check box to remove indents from the output for the selected member(s), children, all children, the selected member(s) plus the children, the selected member(s) plus all children, leaves, the selected member(s) plus leaves, or the selected member(s) plus the parents.

  • Options

    The drop-down list is enabled only when a single rollup member is selected in the rule. The following options are available in the drop-down list:

    • Selected - Members in the tree, as selected by the user. This is the default value.

    • Children - Immediate children of members, as selected by the user

    • Selected + Children - Selected members, and their immediate children

    • Selected + All Children - Selected members, and all levels of children under them

    • Leaves - Leaf members at all levels under the selected members

    • Selected + Leaves - Selected members, and their leaf members, at all levels.

    • Selected + Parents - Selected members, and their immediate parents.

    • The following options are available only for the Time dimension:
      • Year
      • Quarter
      • Month
      • Trailing
      • Total - Trailing

        The Options drop-down list is enabled only when you select a single dimension in the rule and a single roll-up member within the single-dimension rule.

Display Parents Last

Select this check box to display the parent member at the bottom of the hierarchy. This check box is available for the Selected + Children, Selected + All Children, Selected + Leaves, and Selected + Parents options. If the check box is selected, the parent member will be displayed at the bottom of the hierarchy.


  • When you copy and paste a rule line using the keyboard, the selected Options are not retained. If you edit the rule, the Edit Rule window opens in the Advanced tab.

  • When you define the Excel formula on a rule, the member is displayed in Dynamic Reports only when you select Selected + Children, Selected + All Children, Selected + Leaves, and Selected + Parents from the Options drop-down list.

  • When you add a conditional format on a line regarding another line, the Report Set rule with the following Options is not supported:

    • Children

    • All Children

    • Leaves

    • Year

    • Quarter

    • Month

    • Trailing

    • Total - Trailing

Multiple Tab

Select this to add multiple dimensions to the Report Set. You can add a report set line as a combination of members from multiple dimensions.

In a multiple dimension Report Set line, the dimension on which the Report Set is being created is mandatory.

Advanced Tab

The Advanced tab allows you to select Members and Functions for a particular scenario, and then build a rule for them by dragging them to the Rule Builder pane.

Types of Static Report Sets

There are two versions of Report Sets:

  • Classic

  • Modern

You can save a Classic Report Set as Modern by using the Enable Modern Feature toggle button on the toolbar. The Version column in the File Cabinet page differentiates between Classic and Modern Report Sets.

You can add, edit, save, save as, and copy Classic Static Report Sets from a Modern browser. An existing Classic Static Report Set can be modified and saved from a Modern browser, and the audit log is updated accordingly. Freeze On/Off, Grid Headers On/Off, and other toolbar options are saved and applied for a Classic Report Set when accessed from modern browsers.

All toolbar options are available when a Classic Static Report Set is accessed from a modern browser, as per user security and report access settings.

Difference between Modern and Classic Report Set

All Classic Report Sets work in modern browsers. The Version column differentiates between classic and modern report sets.

The key difference between Modern and Classic Report Set is displayed in the table below.


Modern Report Set

Classic Report Set

Font Name

Available under Format > Line > Style

Not available

Font Size

Available under Format > Line

Not available


Available under Format > Line > Border

Not available

Outside Borders

Left Border

Right Border

Double Bottom Border

Available under Format > Line > Border

Not available

Apply On the drop-down list

Available under Format > Line > Miscellaneous

Not available

Absolute check box

Not available

Available under Format > Data > Display As

Currency Alignment

Available under Format > Data

Not available

Negative Number drop-down list

Available under Format > Number Format

Not available

Absolute for Number Scale check box

Not available

Available under Format > Number Format

Display Thousand Separator check box

Available under Format > Number Format

Not available


Available under Format > Number Format

Not available

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