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Designing Templates
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Template Setup is the second phase of template creation. After adding the template, access the Template Setup page from the Template List page by selecting the desired template > Setup > Template Setup.
This is where the template structure is designed, including lines, account mapping, formulas, and formatting. Different fields are available based on the type of template selected.
Now, let's explore all the options on the Template Setup page.
Mapping involves assigning templates to specific scenarios, entities, and roles. This ensures that the right users have access to the appropriate data input and reporting capabilities. Entities are mapped to templates to determine where data will be applied, and approval roles are mapped to control user permissions for actions like input, viewing, and marking templates complete. Accurate mapping is essential for efficient planning and execution. This has the following categories:
Account Mapping: Mapping in Planful connects templates to scenarios, budget entities, and approval roles. Templates are created in the Default scenario and then mapped to working scenarios, ensuring consistency across planning processes. Template lines and sublines are also seeded into new scenarios, allowing input and access based on assigned roles. Click here to learn about more options available under this category.
Template Mappings: This category provides a one-stop where you can map the template to budget entities, configure the approval role access for the template, and also perform global field mapping to the template. The options include:
Entity Mapping: Open the Entity Mapping page to map the template to budget entities. Click here to learn more about entity mapping.
Approval Role: Open the Approval Role page to set approval actions. Click here to learn more about approval role setup.
Global Field Mapping: Open the Map Global Fields page to map global fields to the template. Click here to learn more about global field mapping.
The Method Selection is an option within Planful templates that allows adjustments like applying monthly or yearly dollar/percentage increases, distributing values using spread methods (e.g., evenly or 4-4-5), and utilizing global fields. Users can also round values and modify attributes if unlocked. These methods offer flexibility for precise financial planning and forecasting adjustments. The Method Selection section has the following options:
Monthly Increase $: Select this option to apply a dollar amount increase over the history for each monthly period.
Monthly Increase %: Select this option to apply a percentage increase based on the history amounts for each period.
Full Year Growth: Select this option to apply a total percentage increase based on history, and use a spread method to distribute the amounts to the monthly periods. This option is applicable for a year.
Annual Value: Select this option to apply a total dollar amount based on history, and use a spread method to distribute the amounts to the monthly periods. This option is applicable for a year.
Spreads: Allows users to distribute annual value to period columns based on a selected spread method. Select an option (i.e. evenly, 4-4-5, etc.) to apply the spread to the template row that can be modified by the user. You may opt to spread based on historical data (History Scenario).
The attribute cell must be unlocked to allow users to make modifications.
Global Fields: Apply a global field to a template row, which displays the lookup formula in the template setup. Global Fields that populate this list box are defined on the Global Fields page.
Round: Select the Round checkbox to round off numbers to the nearest whole number. For example; 67.7 will appear as 68.
Grid Actions
Select from the following actions:
Show/Hide Formula Bar: Display or hide the Excel formula bar.
Hide/Show Format Bar: Display or hide the format area, which is where you insert lines, borders, format numbers, and more.
Show/Hide Row Header: Hide or display the template row numbers.
Show/Hide Column Header: Hide or display the template column letters.
Show/Hide Tabs: Hide the tabs for Global Fields and Spreads that appear at the bottom of the Template Input and View screens.
Show/Hide Scenario Header: Display or hide column header information. Column scenario headers display scenario name. Admin users can choose to set the display globally (to hide or show) for column headers. If an Admin user hides the display of column headers globally, other users will not be able to see this information.
Show/Hide Column: Hide or show selected columns (within any template except Initiative templates) to improve visibility.
Show/Hide Data Filter: Filter Spreadsheet Data similar to Excel as shown below.
Data filter functionality is available for the following template types: Allocation, Block, Sales, Global Template - Single Copy, Global Template - Entity Copy, Line Item, and HR.Note:
Data filters will be lost during Scenario Seeding when using a Reference Scenario and Change by Periods.
Show/Hide All-Display or hide the top action ribbon and info bar.
Hide/Show Info Bar-Hide or display the info bar.
Show/Hide Column- Select a column and click Show/Hide Column to display or hide a column.
Export Options
These options allow you to export the template. The available options are:
Export to Excel: Use this option to download the template in an Excel sheet.
Print: This has two options: Print and Print Setup. Use Print Setup to customize your print settings and use print to the template.
Send Email: This option allows you to send the template as an attachment allowing you to search for the recipients using the First Name, Last Name, or Email. You can also compose an email to the recipient.
The More option has the following categories:
Account Reports: This category has the following options:
Destination Account Report: Open the Report page to view each line that is identified as a destination account and print or download the report in Excel format.
Reference Account Report: Open the Report page to view each line that is identified as a reference account. Print or download the report in Excel format.
Show Rule: Open the Rule page to view associated multidimensional expressions.
Header: This category has the following options:
Notes: View all notes for the related template.
Snapshot: Take a snapshot of the template. Snapshots may be stored in the File Cabinet.
Template History: View information on when the template was modified and by whom.
Format Bar
When setting up a template ensure you select the row type (e.g., LINE, CALC, HEADER) before clicking Add Line Item. The row type will then appear in the first column of the template for easy reference. Click here to learn more about template line types and column types. Click here to learn more about Wildcard Support for Destination and Reference Account Lines.
Move Row Down/Up: Select a cell and click on Move Row Down/Up to move the row Down or Up.
LINE (L): Allow data entry or calculations to be performed for the row. Reference and destination accounts may be applied to a line.
HEADER (H): Format sections or provide additional spacing within a template or add instructions for end users. This cannot be edited/input by the user.
CALC (C): Allow calculations to be defined for a row within the template design, preventing users from modifying the formula. Destination accounts may be applied to a calc line. This cannot be edited/input by the user.
Apply bold, italic, text color, background color, and borders.
Format: This has the following options:
Text: Select to allow the entry of text.
Number: By default, the Number is selected in the Format field. It allows numerical entries.
Currency: Select to allow the system to enter a currency symbol ($) for all numerical data entered.
Percent: Select to allow the system to place a percent symbol (%) behind all numerical data entered.
Hidden: Select to show or hide the column from users.
Show All: Select to show the hidden rows in the template.
Copy Format: Select to copy the format of a cell and paste it to another row.
Click here to learn more about the best practices.
How to Add a New Line to a Template Setup?
To add a new line to a template setup, follow the steps below:
In the Template Setup page, select the row or cell to which you want to add a new line below.
In the Format bar, ensure the Line option is selected from the drop-down (besides the Bold icon).
To add more lines, update the number as needed. Click the Add Line Item icon.