Understanding Repeat Labels
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Understanding Repeat Labels

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Article summary

Using Repeat Labels in Standard Reports

Enable or disable repeat labels for the following Standard Reports:

  • Subline Data
  • Budgeted Data
  • Capital Budget Analysis
  • Staffing Summary

Turning repeat labels on removes the subtotals in the report output. This is by design as the intent of having repeat labels enabled is to export the report and perform additional manipulations to the exported data.

What Are Labels

Labels in report output are for informational purposes. For example, the Asset Category label (i.e. Buildings/Leasehold improvements) for an entity (HQEXEC) will look as shown below when the Capital Budget Analysis standard report is executed.

How Repeat Labels Work

Repeat labels provide you with another way to view report output for further manipulation. Using the image above, the same report output with repeating labels turned on would look as shown in the table below. Information is shown for every line in the example below whereas, in the image above, the entity, asset category, and asset fields are grouped according to account.


It is important to note that when repeat labels are ON, there are no totals in the report output. This is by design so that you can export the report and perform further manipulations.

By default, repeat labels is set to ON in all the above listed reports.

In Practice: Enabling and Disabling Repeat Labels is Standard Reports

To disable (turn off) repeat labels, follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to Maintenance > Report Administration > Standard Reports
  2. Select any of the following standard reports that you want to disable repeated labels and click the Run icon.
    • Subline Data
    • Budgeted Data
    • Capital Budget Analysis
    • Staffing Summary
  3. Click Repeat Labels Off (the field toggles to Repeat Labels On).
  4. Click Run to run the report.

When repeat labels are Off, the totals/subtotals are shown in the report.

To enable (turn on) repeat labels, follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to Maintenance > Report Administration > Standard Reports
  2. Select any of the following standard reports that you want to disable repeated labels and click the Run icon.
    • Subline Data
    • Budgeted Data
    • Capital Budget Analysis
    • Staffing Summary
  3. Click Repeat Labels On (the field toggles to Repeat Labels Off ).
  4. Click Run to run the report.

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