Scenario Setup Overview
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    Scenario Setup Overview

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    Article summary

    The Scenario Setup page enables users to create and manage various scenarios, including budgets, forecasts, plans, and preloaded budget scenarios. Users can model current and future trends, test assumptions by adjusting key drivers, and ensure accurate revenue estimation. Scenario analysis helps improve financial performance and provides insights into company financial trends.

    Access the Scenario List page by navigating to Maintenance > Administration > Scenario Setup.

    Description of Fields on the Scenario List Page

    Add - This option allows you to add a new scenario. Users can create Budget, Forecast, Plan, or Preloaded budget scenarios. To learn more about Scenarios and their types, click here.

    Edit - This option allows you to edit the scenarios created.

    • Administrators cannot save a Scenario if they change the Projection Start From option for Plan or Forecast scenario types while related templates or artifacts are in use. Once the user saves and exits from Input Mode, administrators can make changes and Save the scenario. Administrators can trigger Maintenance to edit scenarios without restrictions. Maintenance prevents editing templates or artifacts related to the scenario.

      • Let's understand this with an example: Changing the projection start date for a Forecast Scenario. If a template is open while this change is being made, the template and scenario data structures may become out of sync. This misalignment could result in closed and open periods not matching, potentially causing issues when saving the template.

    • If you attempt to save after editing a scenario while a template is open in Input Mode, an error message will appear: "Scenario Setup cannot be updated as the scenario or related artifact is in use. Please try again later."

    • Offline Planning enforces similar scenario locks. A lock is applied when a template is checked out for Offline Planning. The lock remains active until the user checks the template back in or an admin selects Undo Check Out for the template in the Planning Control Panel.

    Delete - Delete old and unused scenarios. You can delete reference scenarios in addition to deleting unused or inactive scenarios.

    If the deleted scenario is used as a reference in any of the following items, the scenario references will be deleted and replaced with the word “None” on the Edit Scenario page:

    • In a Compare Scenario

    • In History Scenarios for Cash Flow

    • In Data Trends

    • In Closed Periods

    • In Seeding as a source scenario

    • In a History Scenario

    For all references except for Data Seeding, a new reference scenario can be selected.


    You cannot delete Actual and Default scenarios.


    • The confirmation message consists of the list of scenarios that are associated with the scenario that you want to delete. The scenario is removed from all the reference scenarios mentioned in the list. All the data (template and report data from the deleted scenario) is retained even after the references associated with the scenario are deleted.

    • It is recommended that you export the data before deleting a scenario from the Export Data page. After you delete a scenario, it cannot be restored. If you want to reuse this data you will have to reload it to the application, using data load rules.

    • You cannot delete a scenario with referenced attributes in the Workforce Planning template in the Workforce Cube settings. Remove the referenced attributes to delete the scenario.

    Copy - The copy option allows you to duplicate a scenario, generating a new one that can be customized to meet specific needs. Scenarios are copied in the cloud, so users can continue working while the processing takes place. Once complete, a notification appears in the application and an email is sent.

    Process - As we have added auto synchronization of tasks based on foundational adjustments, you do not need to manually synchronize the information for an existing scenario from the Scenario List page. After you click Save, the application automatically synchronizes the scenarios that have been modified. Ensure that you refresh the Task Manager page to view the updated information. As a safety net, the manual synchronization option is still be available.


    Scenario Actions

    • Forward - New scenarios have a status of Scenario being created. These scenarios are not available to end-users via the Planning Control Panel for input until forwarded. Forward scenarios to make them available for template mapping or data loads. Actual and Default scenarios do not need to be forwarded.

    • Lock/Unlock - Lock a scenario to prevent data modifications. Administrators typically lock scenarios to prevent users from editing them. When templates are mapped to a locked scenario, they cannot be deleted.

    • Global Data Input - Input data for budget entities into the template. Global fields are assumptions used for planning calculations. Global field values are maintained by scenario. The Global Data Input page allows you to input global field values for each budget entity in the yellow shaded cells. The global values will be pulled automatically by system-defined formulas within the templates based on the budget entity and scenarios against which the template is opened. This step is optional and may not be required for all the scenarios. Global Field Data Input can be performed at any stage of the planning process. The list of Global Fields available is populated from the Global Fields page. To learn more about Global Data Input, click here.

    • Refresh Closed Period Data - For Forecast or Plan scenarios, synchronize Actuals data with closed periods data. Refreshing actuals is an action performed on a Forecast or Plan type scenario to populate the scenario with actual data for closed periods or when the Projection Start Date of the scenario changes. Each Forecast or Plan scenario has Projection Start Dates, which is the date in which the planning period starts. If the Projection Start Date is mid-year, there will be closed period actual data recorded for the first periods that closed prior to the Projection Start Date. For example, if the Projection Start is the first month of the fiscal year, there will be no closed period(s). If the Projection Start month is Mar-25 for a fiscal year from Jan to Dec, closed periods populate until Feb-25.

      • When to Refresh Closed Period Data (Refreshing Actuals)?
        Whenever the Projection Start of the current scenario changes, administrators need to perform a refresh of the Actual data to update the closed month(s).

    • Refresh Preloaded Data - Synchronize data within a Preloaded Budget scenario. You'll need to refresh preloaded data because external budgets change as time goes by and the latest data needs to be displayed in Planful. Preloaded budgets are used to load historical/external budgets into Planful. For example, if a preloaded budget is created for FY-2025, the budget data for 2025 from the 1st of Jan 2025 to Dec 2025 (assuming the fiscal year starts from Jan) can be loaded to Planful using Data Load Rules.

      • When to Refresh Preloaded Data?
        Whenever there is a change in the reference source scenario (external budgets), administrators need to perform Refresh Preloaded Data to ensure the latest data is reflected in Planful.

    • Unprocess 'WFP' Employees - For processed employees, this action returns all processed employees to a state of Not Processed in the Workforce template for the selected scenario.

    • Reset All - This option resets all associated templates and budget entities to an In Progress state in the Planning Control Panel. The updated status can be viewed in the Template Workflow and Entity Workflow sections in the Planning Control Panel for the selected scenario.

    • Maintenance - Maintenance allows Admin users to control when Maintenance is performed on a Scenario. When maintenance starts, all users, including administrators, are restricted from editing templates or artifacts related to the scenario. This allows administrators to edit Scenario details without interference. For example, an Admin might want to update Projection Start From for a scenario. Triggering maintenance helps the administrator to update scenarios without restrictions.

      • For Preloaded Budget scenarios, administrators cannot trigger maintenance.

      • Once changes are complete, administrators can Stop Maintenance. To stop the maintenance, select the desired scenario > More icon (three vertical dots) > Maintenance > Stop Maintenance.

    Other Actions

    • User Access - Manage user access for each scenario.

    • Documents - You can upload documents for the scenario which might include instructions, assumptions in the planning cycle, and a summary of targets.

    • Seeding Exception Report - The application logs the cases when formulas could not be transferred and provides this information in the form of an Exception report. This report contains details such as Scenario, Entity, Template, Initiative Name, Sub Template Name, Main Row, Subline Row, MonthQuarter, Year, Source Formula, Source Value, Target Formula, Target Value, Formula, Error, Sheet Name, and Mode. This report specifies details about the Values in the Source Scenario and the replaced Value and Formula in the Target Scenario.


    You can download the list of Scenarios using the Print and Export to Excel option. The exported data will closely resemble the information displayed on the Scenario List page.

    • Print - This option allows you to print the scenario list.

    • Print Setup - This setting allows users to adjust the page layout, including paper size, orientation (portrait or landscape), page order, scaling (adjusting the size of the content to fit the page), and margins. Users can also choose Show Gridlines, Repeat row header on each page, Include document title, Include page number, Save this setting, Repeat column header on each page, and Include sheet name.

    • Export as Excel - This option allows you to export the Scenario data list in Excel format.

    Simulation Engine

    Simulation processing is an automated way of saving templates. This process helps to re-compute and save template data based on changes to the reference data or other global drivers. For example, salary is often referenced from the Workforce template in the department operating expense template. If there are any changes to employee position, the changes in the Workforce template must propagate to its dependent template(s). The Simulation Engine processes templates automatically instead of manually opening and saving the templates in order of dependency.

    For additional information, see Simulation Engine

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