SpotlightXL Manage User Management Subtask
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SpotlightXL Manage User Management Subtask

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Article summary


Select the User Management subtask to manage Dynamic Planning users.

Description of Fields


The User's login ID.


Select from Power, Contributor, or Reviewer. For information on each of these roles, see User Roles.


Full name of the user including first and last. Optional.


Enter a temporary password for the new user.

User Type

Select from Business or External. For information on these types, see User Types.

Access Key

The access key is generated on the Access Token page.

Locked Status

Locked - Indicates the user is locked and can't sign on to the application.

Unlocked - Indicates the user can sign on to the application.


How to Unlock a Locked User

How to Lock a User and Prevent Sign-On

By default, all new and existing users are set to Unlocked.

Password Changed On

The date the user’s password was last changed.

Created On

The date the user was created.

Created By

The person who created the user. A Business Power user logged in will see the username of the person who created an account. An External Power user logged in will not see the username of any other external users who created an account; they will see only "Power user."

User names are global across all Planful tenants, and External user names will be shown as "Power user" in the Created By and Modified By columns.

Modified On

The last date that the user account was changed.

Modified By

The person who last changed the user account. A Business Power user logged in will see the actual username of the person who modified an account. An External Power user logged in will not see the actual username of any other external users who modified an account; they will see only "Power user."

User names are global across all Planful tenants, and External user names will be shown as "Power user" in the Created By and Modified By columns.

To create a new user, refer to the User and Role Management article. Please note that the Dynamic Planning user option MUST be checked and a role assigned as shown below: 

Best Practices/Tips

  • You can add a user to another application, however, the user role must remain the same. User roles are globally enforced, which means that if you add an existing user to a new application, the user will automatically have the same role.
  • As a Best Practice, Business users should manage only Business users. For any changes related to External users, contact Planful Support.
    • If you are a Business user, you can add only new Business users. You cannot add a new External user.
    • Only External users can create new External users.
    • However, if you are a Business user, you can add an External user to your application if the External user name already exists.
    • For example, External Partner A has worked with Business Customer P before, and External Partner A has an External username. When Business Customer X starts working with External Partner A, they can add External Partner A to their application because External Partner A already has a username (usernames are global). Business Customer X cannot add a new External Partner B, though, if that is a new username to the Planful system.
    • Business Power users can change the password of a Business user but not an External user. If an External user wants to change their password, they should contact Planful Support.

Deleting a User

To delete users, remove the username.

You can also edit Business users.

Click Save to commit a user's edit, deletion, or addition.

User role does not take effect until the user logs out of the current session and then logs back in. For example, if you assign a Reviewer user to a Contributor role, that user must log off and then log in to have Contributor role privileges.

Sharing Reports and Views

Power users can define views and reports to be shared with Contributors and Reviewers, who can then access these reports or views while maintaining the dimension security.

Example: If a Power user creates a view or report with a Department dimension filter (e.g., Sales) and selects the "All Departments" member, the reviewer will see only Sales data.

How to Assign Group Access to a View?

To assign group access to a view, complete the following steps:

  1. In SpotlightXL, go to Analyze > Data.
  2. Select the view to which you want to assign group access.
  3. Select the Design View subtask.
  4. Click the Properties action.
  5. In the Group column, select the name of the group you want to grant access to.
  6. Insert an additional row to ensure there is a blank row after adding the group name.

Likewise, you can share the reports by navigating to Report > Design and performing the same steps

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