Workforce Reporting
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Workforce Reporting

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Article summary

Workforce Reporting enables structured, ad hoc analysis of workforce planning dimensions and measures. Workforce Reporting is integrated into the application as a Reporting Area, allowing you to report on employee-specific compensation and other financial dimensions, such as:

  • Head count analysis
  • Variance analysis
  • Payroll analytics
  • Requisitions for hire
  • Promotion tracking

Workforce planning reports are more flexible, and significantly quicker to generate, compared to customized Standard Reports.

Workforce Reporting Dimension and Scenario Security

Workforce Reporting inherits the Dimension Security applied to the Financial Reporting Area, for dimensions such as Company, Department, Project, etc.

Data is filtered according to user privileges for dimensions. You can also activate dimension security for each user by navigating to Maintenance > Reports > Dimension Security > Dimension Security Setup and assigning users to specific reporting areas.

Apply Dimension Security so that Scenario Security is honored in the Workforce Reporting Area by navigating to Maintenance > Reports > Dimension Security > Dimension Security Configuration, and selectingCopy Scenario Security to Report Security.

How to Enable Workforce Reporting

  1. Click Maintenance > Admin > ConfigurationTasks.
  2. From Define Reporting Areas, click Workforce. Once the cube is created, the icon changes to green, and Workforce Reporting Area is enabled (processing is required in order to view the data).

Workforce Reporting Dimensions

The dimensions for the Financial Reporting Area (Time, Org, etc.) are also common to the Workforce Reporting Area. Several dimensions have been added specifically for Workforce:

  • Employee
  • Position
  • Employee Type
  • CompensationItem
  • Home Budget Entity
  • Position Budget Entity

Click on the Point of View (POV) target icon in the upper right corner of the application to launch the Point of View screen, then select Workforce from the Reporting Area pull-down menu to see all available Workforce dimensions. (You can edit dimension default members from the Default Members screen.)

Workforce Reporting Cube Structure

The following illustration shows the interrelationship between dimensions and measures in the Workforce Reporting cube:

Workforce Attributes

Workforce attributes and properties are defined in the application as Measures.

Properties, Attributes, and Attribute Hierarchies mapped to the Financial Reporting Area (accessed via Maintenance > Reports > CubeSettings > Attributes Settings) are shared and available in Workforce Reporting Area.

While Properties, Attributes, and Attribute Hierarchies are applicable for all user-defined Financial dimensions (e.g., Account, Company, etc.), they are not applicable for Workforce dimensions (e.g., Employee, Positions, etc.).

Workforce Measures

All the HR attributes available in Workforce Planning are available for reporting as Measures when the Workforce Reporting Area is enabled. Note that if Multiple Review Dates are used in Workforce Planning, only the first Review Date is available.

After a cube is created, the following measures (sorted by category) are available for use in reporting:



Employee Fact

Hire Date

Process Status

Position Fact

Position End Date

Position Pay Plan

Position Start

Review Type

Salary Class

Wage Rate per Hour

Work Hours per Month

Annual Salary *


Allocation Percentage * 

Amount in CC *

Amount in LC * 

Amount in Position Entity Currency *

Head Count *

The measures marked with an asterisk [*] are rollup-aggregatable, which means that you can combine and analyze for valuable insights, including summing, averaging, counting, or aggregating data based on these measures. On the other hand, the measures without an asterisk are non-aggregatable, meaning they cannot be easily combined, or aggregated. 

You can map measures as follows: 

  1. Navigate to Maintenance Reports > Cube Settings.
  1. Click the Attribute Settings tab.
  1. Select Workforce as the Reporting Area.
  1. From the Mapped Measures list, click the Add icon. The Select Measures screen appears.
  1. Locate the measure and select it.
  1. Click Add Selected. The measure is added to the Mapped Measures list. (To unmap an attribute from the list, select it and click the unmap [X] icon.)
You can add up to 25 measures to the Workforce Reporting Area (excluding the ones listed in the table, above).

Workforce Default Members

Default Members are applied when the respective dimensions are not selected in the report design. You can edit default members, if desired via the Maintenance > Reports > Cube Settings >  Default Members screen.

Since the Default Member for the dimensions is All or the root node of the hierarchy, if any non-aggregatable measures are used in the report design, it is required to include all the dimensions in the report design.

Workforce Report Generation

Workforce Reporting functionality is integrated into Dynamic Reports, Report Sets, Report Collections, and Financial Package Publisher (FPP) as a Reporting Area, thereby enabling structured, ad hoc analysis of workforce planning dimensions and measures. This allows for reporting on employee-specific compensation and other financial dimensions.

Workforce Reporting Best Practices

When creating Workforce reports, be sure to: 

  • Apply appropriate filters to limit the size of your reports
  • Include all relevant dimensions in the report design for the business case for greater accuracy
  • Use Workforce applicable dimensions when building calculated or custom report members
Whenever a multi-member expression is built on the Measures dimension of the Workforce Reporting Area, using either multiple members or an advanced formula rule definition, the ID-to-text substitution does not work for non-numeric measures (i.e., Text and Date type attributes). Subsequently, you will not be able to generate the report properly.

Workforce - Dynamic Reports

With Dynamic Reports, you can create ad hoc, structured reports for specific dimensions, which can also be used to generate Report Sets. You can build and run a wide variety of dynamic reports.

  • You can, for example, create a head count dynamic report which shows departmental head count variance (i.e., forecast v. actual) for your current fiscal year, prior v. current year, and so forth.
  • You can build a dynamic report for compensation (salary, bonus, etc.) by department, employee, employee type, or other Workforce dimensions.
  • An open new hire requisitions by department dynamic report can be generated to show quarterly head count openings, by department, as well as reporting on the status (open, approved, etc.) for specific positions.

Workforce Report Sets

You can create and generate Report Sets from Workforce-specific dimensions, based on the row or column axis of a Dynamic Report.

Be sure to select Workforce as the Reporting Area when building a Report Set, and to select the dimension upon which the Report Set will be based.

Workforce - Financial Package Publisher (FPP)

Financial Package Publisher (FPP) utilizes content from internal and external sources to generate Word or PowerPoint multi-page reports that can be distributed across your organization.

You can include Dynamic Reports created with Workforce Planning data in your Financial Package.

How To Report on a Workforce Scenario

  1. Navigate to Maintenance > Reports > Process Reporting Area.
  2. Select Workforce as the Reporting Area.
  3. Check the scenario you want to report on.
  4. Click Process Now.
  5. Run the report.

When Measures Aren't Displayed in Your Workforce Report

There could be various reasons why measures aren't displayed on your report:

  • Ensure employees are processed and the corresponding scenarios/partitions in the cube are processed/published.
  • Ensure all calculated members used in reporting for Account dimension are built only on the dimensions that are exposed in Workforce Reporting. If not, usage of such calculated members will result in MDX errors.
  • Based on the measure applied in the report, pull all the linked dimensions.
  • For non-aggregated (all measures excluding Annual Salary, Amount in CC, LC, PositionEntityCurrency, Head Count) measures, ensure only leaf members are selected in the report.
  • When using the Head Count measure, Scenario and Compensation Item on the Page axis, ensure single leaf member selections are made.

Workforce Reporting Budget Entity Security

Data displayed in Workforce Reports is controlled using Budget Entity security, as configured via Maintenance > Admin > User Management, Approval Role Setup page.

Workforce Reporting Template Access Security

HR data is displayed in Workforce Reports only if the user has access to Workforce Planning for a given budget entity. To provide Workforce Planning access for an employee:

  1. Navigate to Maintenance > WFP > Workforce Planning Setup.
  2. Select the Budget Entity you want to provide access to.
  3. Click Employees > Employee Positions > Add.
  4. Enter user information, then click the Save icon.

Reports Security

Provide security to users and user groups for Workforce Reports by navigating to Maintenance > Admin > User Management > User, selecting a user from the list, then clicking More > Report Access.

Security Example for a User with Specific Access

The following table lists example security settings for a user named John Doe—approval role, scenario access, and so forth. Additionally, the navigation path to the page where the settings are located is provided.

In this example, with these settings, Workforce Reporting security is honored for Dynamic Reports, for the given scenarios and budget entities, in the following ways: 

For Budget 2017 Scenario

  • 1000-HQ-Exec—John Doe cannot access any employee data as the Approval Role on this Budget Entity does not have HR Template mapped.
  • 1000-HQ-MKTG—John Doe can access Salaries and Bonuses data for all employees for this Scenario and Budget entity combination. However, he cannot view Non-Cash Stock Compensations and Benefits for the employees.
  • 1000-HQ-HR—John Doe cannot access any employee data as HR template mapping does not exist for this Scenario and Budget entity combination.

For Forecast 2017 Scenario

  • 1000-HQ-MKTG—John Doe cannot access any employee data, even though HR Template is mapped to the given Scenario and Budget Entity combination, because he does not have access to Forecast 2017 scenario.

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