Getting to Know an Expense in Plannuh
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Getting to Know an Expense in Plannuh

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Article summary

When executing on your marketing plan, the expense is the spark that drives the engine ... this is where money gets spent to deliver the performance that your company needs

When Plannuh talks about an "expense", it's referring to something that your team spends (or plans to spend) money on.  First, you need to know how to get to the expense that you want.

You can access expenses by going to the Expenses page (see the introduction here), or from the navigation menu, which looks like this:  


Let's talk about what each of those options offers:

  • View with Current Filter - go to the Expenses page, and maintain whatever filter settings you have active.  If you don't have any filter settings, then this option will be grayed out.
  • All Expenses - go to the Expenses page but clear all filters, so that you can see all expenses.
  • Overdue Expenses - go the Expenses page and apply a filter for (1) past timeframes and (2) expenses with the status Planned or Committed.  The idea is that if expenses were supposed to spend money in time that has gone by, that likely means that those expenses should either be (a) marked Closed (since the money was indeed spent or is never going to be spent), or else (b) the expenditure should be moved to a future timeframe.
  • My Expenses - go the Expenses page and apply a filter for just the expenses that you own.

If you create a new expense, it will be empty, and will look something like this:


Here are some of the fields:

  • Expense name - you must give an expense a name.  It does not need to be unique.
  • Expense type - this lets you categorize types of spend based on the set of types defined by your Plannuh administrator.  You must pick from the list of available types to save an expense.
  • Delivery date - an optional field to indicate when what is being purchased will be delivered.
  • Owner - who owns this expense.  It defaults to the person who created the expense.  This is always specified.
  • Vendor - an optional field to indicate the vendor who is providing the service.  You can pick from the list of vendors or create a new one.  You can then organize and search by vendor.
  • GL Code - an optional field to indicate the GL code, based on the set of codes defined by your Plannuh administrator.  You can then organize and search by GL Code.
  • Source - an automatically-populated field that indicates how this expense was created.  If created by someone who logged in and typed it in, then the Source will be "Manual".  If created by an ad integration, then it will be the name of that integration, such as "Google Ads", "LinkedIn Ads", or "Facebook Ads".  If created by import, then it will be "Import".  You can filter expenses by these values.
  • PO Number - an optional field for the purchase order number.  You can find PO numbers with the Filter by text box.
  • Invoice Number - an optional field for the invoice number.  You can find invoice numbers with the Filter by text box.
  • Segment - a required field to indicate the budget segment that will be responsible for this expense.
  • Currency - a required field to define the currency.  This defaults to the budget currency, and the list of available currencies is defined by your Plannuh administrator.
  • Expense Timeframe - you must indicate the planned or actual amount of this expenditure.  Actual amounts will either be committed or closed.  Your timeframe choices will either be monthly or quarterly, depending how your Plannuh administrator set up the budget.  Please see the article about expense status and the article about planned versus actual for more details. 
  • Parent - if this expense is related to a campaign or expense group, then that relationship is shown (or updated) here.
  • Related Expenses - If the expense you are creating is part of a series of expenses like a subscription you are billed for monthly or an amortized expense, you can create related expenses. Simply select the timeframes for which you would like to create expenses related to one your initially created and Plannuh will create identical copies of that expense, with the timeframes set accordingly.
  • Tags - are optional ways to mark expenses (or goals, campaigns, or expense groups) to easily filter and find them.
  • Attachments - if you upload file attachments, you can see them and download from here.
  • Notes - this is an optional text document for free-form notes.  This field is also searched by the Filter by text box.

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