Manage Page -Table View
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Manage Page -Table View

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Article summary

Your Entire Budget Hierarchy, all in one place

Table View

The Manage Page is a campaign-centric view of your marketing plan that uses the hierarchy of your budget to anchor how you navigate through the difference views and data the Manage Page has to offer. 

Budget Hierarchy Organization

The budget hierarchy on the left of the table is a nested view of your budget that shows how all your segments, goals, campaigns and expense groups are related to one another. Everything can be expanded and collapsed to see as much or as little of your budget as you wish.

Campaigns and expense groups can be dragged and dropped into parent campaigns and segments to quickly change where each piece of your budget fits. You can also move campaigns and expense groups in bulk by selecting the inline check box, and navigating to the Actions dropdown and selecting Move To.


Inline with every campaign and expense group in the table, is a sub menu that houses the same actions as the Actions dropdown, if you want to quickly duplicate, move, close or delete a single campaign or expense group.


Performance Column

Across all the different Modes and Views of the Manage Page, the Performance Column is always to the right of the Hierarchy. For campaigns with key metrics assigned, this column shows a quick indicator how how your campaigns are performing. You can mouse over the arrows in this column to see a more detailed quick view, or click on it to be taken to the metric detail page


The Mini Dash

At the bottom of the Manage page is a nav bar that acts as a compass that always gives you context of how much of your budget hierarchy you are viewing at a given time. When you filter your view of the Manage page, the Mini Dash will adjust to show you how much of your budget you are actually viewing and the allocated and available amount of that portion of your budget.



You can view the budget hierarchy on the manage page by Segment, Goal or Campaign. Choosing a view will set what the highest level of your budget hierarchy. Campaigns are selected by default, but the other views allow you to see how costs and spend roll up to your Goals and Segments.  

See this example of viewing a budget by Goal:


Segment Budgets

 When you select view by segment, the Manage Page behaves a little differently. Selecting view by segment will sort your hierarchy so that segments are on top and calculate the sum of the budgets of all the campaigns and expense groups in that segment.

And it also brings two more rows into the Manage Page table - the total segment budget (as set on the Budget Page) and the unallocated segment budget. To show how these rows related to each other, we have a formula toggle at the top of the page which brings up the formula:


The segment budget minus the amount allocated to campaigns and expense groups equals the unallocated budget of a segment.

And the green text and numbers follow the same paradigm of the smart cells in the rest of the table; the budget minus the expenses equals the green number. In the case of the Unallocated row, this give you a quick view into how much money is available in each segment; your unallocated segment budget minus any expenses that are in that segment but not attributed to any campaigns and expense groups is equal to the truly unspoken for money in a given segment.


There are two different Modes of the Manage Page, Allocation Mode and Spending Mode.

Allocation Mode

Allocation Mode shows you the budget (or, how much you have allocated) for every campaign and expense group in your budget hierarchy. You can also see the actual spend for each campaign and expense group by toggling on Expenses at the top of the page.


We display allocated amounts in our smart cells - which means these amounts can be edited right inline and we provide another number above the budget amount, which shows you the difference between what you have allocated and what you have spent for each campaign and expense group. 


If you are overspending, this number appear orange.

If you are underspending, this number appears green and can be dragged and dropped to another campaign or expense group, therefore increase the allocation there. You can also double click a green amount to 'true it up', meaning you return it to the top level, segment budget, as unused money that can be allocated elsewhere.

Spending Mode

The other Mode of the Manage Page is Spending Mode, which shows you a breakdown of your spending for every campaign and expense group in your budget hierarchy, in order to help you see how much money you have Available. To do this, we subtract expense totals and remaining budget totals from each campaign and expense group's budget.


To show you how we make this calculation right inline, you can toggle on the Formula at the top of the screen, which shows you this formula on top of the table:


We also recognize your planning style might mean your Planned expenses are much more concrete (closer to a Committed or Closed expense, rather than a rough plan like an expense group budget) or maybe you don't distinguish between expense statuses and just want to see a single number for all your expenses. In both cases, there are 2 more toggles that allow you to customize this Mode accordingly.


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