Manage Page - View by Segment, Goal, or Campaign
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Manage Page - View by Segment, Goal, or Campaign

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Choose the most relevant way for you to organize your plan from the Manage page

Whether you are responsible for one campaign or an entire budget segment, there is a view on the Manage page to help you understand and update allocations, spending, and performance.

The Manage page is where you can view and edit your entire marketing plan. The view selector helps contextualize your plan by allowing you to say how you would like to view your plan. By segment? By goal? By campaign?

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View by Segment

Viewing the Manage page by Segment is useful when you want the high level view of your plan. If you are looking for a quick view of how your entire budget is divided up, what your spend looks like or available budget at the macro level, the Segment view should be your choice.

***A quick note before we dive in, everything mentioned below applies to segment groups as well as segments, with the exception that you can not edit the budget of a segment group - it is strictly the sum of its contained segments' budgets.


Allocation Mode - Segment Rows

The rows of the table view on the Allocation Mode of the Manage page will be each of the segments you created on the Budget Page. Segments can only be added or deleted on the Budget Page. Each segment row in the left most column can be expanded to show the full hierarchy contained within each segment.

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And each segment row is further broken down into 3 more rows that allows you to see relevant data over time: Segment, Campaigns & Expense Groups, and Unallocated. These rows work in conjunction with the Budget and Expenses columns for each timeframe in the rest of the table to label the data within each cell. The Row + the Column labels the data. For example, in the picture above, you know the budget for Farm Stand in June is $50,000 because of the intersection of the June Budget column and the Farm Stand Segment row. (ie Segment + Budget = Segment Budget).


Similarly, the budget for all the Campaigns and Expense groups in the Farm Stand segment ads up to $3,500 and therefor the difference between the segment budget and the campaigns and expense groups' budget is the Unallocated budget within the Farm Stand segment, $46,500.

This same formula is applied to the expense column for each timeframe (which can be toggled on and off). Working with the segment rows, you can see the total cost of all the expenses within your segment, within just the campaigns and expense groups within the segment and the total cost of Unallocated expenses, or expenses that are assigned to a segment, but not allocated to any campaign or expense group.

For quick, in context reference to how these rows related to one another, you can toggle on the Formula toggle, which will show how the Unallocated amounts are arrived at:

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Allocation Mode  - Editable Budgets

The Segment Budget cell is actually editable for admins. These amounts are set initially on the Budget page but, once they are entered, they can be updated on the Manage page! This way, you change segment budgets within the context of the rest of your plan and the costs you have already accrued.

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***As noted above, editable budgets apply to segments only, and not segment groups.

Smart Cells

The Campaign & Expense Groups and Unallocated rows include another figure, in green, above them: Remaining Allocated and Available, respectively. 

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These numbers are the difference between the Budget and Expenses for each row. In other words, using the screenshot above, the total budget of all Campaigns and Expense groups in the Farm Stand segment for August ($3,100) minus the total cost of the expenses within those campaigns and expenses groups ($1,100) equals the amount of Remaining Allocated dollars to those campaigns and expense groups ($2,000).

 Similarly, the total amount of Unallocated budget for the Farm Stand segment in August ($46,900), minus the total cost of Unallocated expenses ($20) equals the amount of truly available budget in the Farm Stand segment for August ($46,880).

***Note that if you do not have permission to see a segment, but you do have permission to see campaigns within a segment, you will only see the campaigns in View by Segment - meaning it will mirror View by Campaign.

Spending Mode

When viewing Spending Mode by Segment, the 3 rows for each segment carry through to give you a more detailed view of how the expenses in each row breakdown. 

The key rows are

1) The Segment row, because it shows you the highest level breakdown of your expenses by status AND gives your the total amount of available dollars by segment.

2) The Unallocated row, because it shows you costs by status within a segment that are not attributed to any campaigns or expense groups (meaning they are eating into the segment's budget, but perhaps they should be in campaign, where the expense was initially budgeted for, thereby freeing up a little budget at the segment level).

View by Goal

Viewing the Manage page by Goal is very similar to viewing it by Segment. The key difference is Goals do not have budget and therefore the budget of a Goal is simply determined by the sum of the budgets of the campaigns and expense groups within that Goal.  Similarly, the expenses are the sums of all the expenses in those campaigns and expense groups that are attributed to the Goal.

View by Campaign

Viewing the Manage page by Campaign is useful when you want to see a flat list of all your marketing activities and the budget and spend for each. 

Just like segments, Campaigns can be expanded to show the full hierarchy of child campaigns and expense groups contained within a Campaign.

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There is only 1 budget for each campaign (the budget that was allocated to it when it was created/updated) but, like the Segment View, you can edit the budget for any campaign on the manage page by clicking into the cell. Note that this can be done on Segment View as well.

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There are some limitations on increases the budget of a campaign, however. If you increase the budget of a child campaign beyond what is available in the parent campaign, for example, you will be prompted to automatically increase the parent or cancel the original budget increase.

The Performance Column

Unique to Campaigns are the arrows in the Performance Column. These arrows indicate how your campaign is performing based on the key metric and the target you have set for each campaign.

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The arrows in this column can be moused over to see a more detailed breakdown of the status of the campaigns or they can be clicked to be take directly to the metric detail page for the key metric of that campaign. 

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This column persists through all the views and modes of the Manage page.

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