The Building Block of Plannuh
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The Building Block of Plannuh

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Article summary

Plannuh is built upon goals, campaigns, expense groups, and expenses

At Plannuh, we believe your marketing budget (what you intend to spend) should be created, managed, and optimized in concert with your marketing plan (what you intend to do). To do that, we use the following concepts:

  1. Budget. Your Budget has a tab of its own in Plannuh. This is where you define when your budget begins, how much you're going to spend, and whether you run it monthly, quarterly, or annually. Learn More
  2. Segment. A segment is a sub-set of a Budget. Segments are defined in the Budget Settings tab. Segments describe how you divide your budget up into manageable departments, or owners. For example, you might segment your Budget into Digital, Product Marketing, Events, PR, Marketing Ops, and Corporate. Learn More
  3. Goals. Goals are the first things you should think about when you build a marketing plan. A Goal captures the most important business objectives for your marketing plan, such as "Increase Revenue" or "Improve Awareness". Plannuh is preloaded with the most common types of Goals. You can select one of ours, or you can create your own. Learn More
  4. Metrics. Metrics tell you whether your Goal or Campaign is on target. Plannuh suggests Metrics at creation time, and you can easily create your own. Learn More
  5. Campaigns. Campaigns are designed to achieve Goals. They reserve a portion of your budget dollars to be applied to a set of Campaign activities. When you connect a Campaign to a Goal - which we strongly recommend - all the Campaign's Metrics are automatically rolled up into the Goal's Metrics. Learn More
  6. Expense Groups. An Expense Groups is just that - a group of your budget that you reserve to spend on an activity that typically has a business objective. The primary difference between an Expense Group and a Campaign is that Expense Group do not have Metrics. Learn More
  7. Expenses. Expenses are where the rubber hits the road. Budgets, Segments, Campaigns and Expense Groups are all about what you're planning to spend. Expenses reflect real-world costs. Expenses can have one of three status levels: Planned, Committed, or Closed. A Planned Expense is self-explanatory. An Expense's status will change to Committed when you know you will have to pay it (for example, after you've signed a contract, or raised a PO). An Expense should be changed to Closed once you have been invoiced for it, or once the service has been delivered. Plannuh supports one-time Expenses, or recurring Expenses. Learn More

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