Export Data
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Export Data

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Introduction to Export

You can export reports or your entire budget into a spreadsheet format (XLSX).

The Export option is available under Create > Import / Export Data, enabling you to export your budget or formatted reports in an XLSX format. The budget export is also the template for bulk importing items into your budget.

There are two tabs under the Export page:



Under the REPORT section, you can select one or multiple reports to download in XLSX format. However, some reports may not be available if specific data is required, which will be explained further below:

Campaign Report

This is a report on Campaign Status. The report is divided vertically into two sections. The left section contains a column for Campaign and a second column for Child Campaign (if applicable). The right section has columns with information about each campaign, such as owner, type, segment, status, budget, expenses, and metric performance.

Rows of data about child campaigns are displayed in a different color than those of their parents to make it easier to differentiate between them. All rows include the common definition data for Campaign, Child Campaign, Owner, Type, Segment, and Status, which allows for easy filtering by these criteria.

The first row for any campaign also includes the overall metadata about the campaign, such as Start Date, End Date, Allocated Budget, and Remaining Budget. If metrics are defined for the campaign, each metric gets its own row indicating the Metric, Product (the metric funnel name), Target CPO, Current CPO, Target ROI, and Current ROI.

By default, certain columns are collapsed in Excel, including the ones to the left of Remaining Budget and Metric. To expand these columns, you can simply click on the plus (+) sign that appears at the top of each column group.

Campaign Allocation Report

This report ensures that budgets with multiple campaign hierarchy levels, including child campaigns and expense groups, distribute the entire parent campaign budget per timeframe to total child allocations. If the allocated amount for a parent in any timeframe does not match the sum of its child allocations in that timeframe, the following indicators are displayed:

  • The parent's name turns red (filterable).
  • The amount of the parent's allocation in that timeframe turns red (filterable).
  • Column AB displays a non-blank value explaining the difference.

 Reallocation Report

There are two different tabs available for this report: 

  • Campaign Reallocation
  • Segment Reallocation

These tabs visualize the changes in allocations between two baselines. However, this report is only available when a previously saved baseline is present for comparison.

There are two ways to create baselines:

  • On the first day of every month, a baseline is automatically saved for every live budget.
  • An admin can save a baseline from the budget tab by checking Save as Baseline before saving the budget. At that point, they will be prompted to provide a descriptive name for the baseline (note that the date will automatically be appended).

If no baselines have been saved, the Reallocation option will not be available, as shown below:

After selecting the Reallocation Report, if one or more baselines are available, you can choose two baselines to compare. The second baseline can be set as Today.

Both the Campaign Reallocation and Segment Reallocation reports are divided into three sections. The top section displays the allocations from Baseline 1, the bottom section shows the allocations from Baseline 2, and the middle section presents the difference (or remains blank if there are no differences).

Recaptured Budget Report

This section provides information on Recaptured Budget, which refers to the funds that Planful for Marketing has made available for re-use, which would have been stranded in closed campaigns, expense groups, or expenses. Recaptured Budget is calculated when a campaign or expense group is closed without utilizing the entire allocated budget or when the actual expense amount is less than the planned amount.

In the top section of the report, the recaptured budget is totaled by timeframe and broken down by campaign, expense group, and expense. The bottom section provides a detailed row for each closed campaign, expense group, and expense, allowing you to drill down into specific details.


In the Budget section, you can export your entire budget to XLSX format, by clicking the Export Budget as XLSX option. You can also validate your budget items as you add them for import by using this template.

This spreadsheet contains many tabs, some of them for reference (such as the Budget tab), and others for validation only (such as Budget Segments and Goals). Some of the tabs used for validation are hidden by default.


The exported budget template can be used for import. For more information on importing click here.

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