GL Codes
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GL Codes

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Article Summary

The GL Code is a valuable component that enhances overall accessibility in managing any marketing budget. They allow you to manage specific datasets and settings applicable to all your company budgets, enabling customization to fit your specific marketing processes. GL Codes consist of four essential columns: the GL Code itself, Description, Enabled, and Count. Here are some additional benefits:


  • Search: You can enter a search term in the designated field to find matching GL Codes. The search results will display all entries containing the matching word or phrase.
  • Adding New Entry: Clicking Create New allows you to add a new GL Code. This button remains deactivated until you provide a name for the new GL Code, allowing only one new entry at a time. The new entry will be enabled by default. Providing a name and clicking outside the field will save the new entry.
  • New Entry and Sorting: Newly added entries will be sorted as soon as you save them.
  • Updating Existing Entry: Editing the GL Code or Description is as simple as single-clicking on the respective field. After making any updates, click outside the field to save the changes. Upon doing so, a toast message will appear, confirming that the update was successful.
  • Deleting an Entry: Hovering over an existing row highlights it and displays the delete option at the end. Confirming the deletion will remove the selected GL Code.
  • Column Sorting:
    • GL Code: Clicking on the GL Code column sorts them in ascending and descending order based on the number.
    • Description: The description is displayed. Sorting does not apply to this column.7(52)
    • Enabled: You can toggle it on or off by clicking on it. The column displays all types in a turned-on state followed by turned-off ones, and vice versa.
    • Count: This column shows where it's been used. You can sort it in ascending and descending order based on the count.

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