Importing Metric Values
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Importing Metric Values

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How to Load Metric Values in Bulk

To import metric values, export your budget as an XLSX file, which will be your template. This template will contain all the current metric values as examples.

When importing metrics, only rows with the word y in the first column will be imported. All other rows will not be loaded. Unlike other imports, importing metrics allows you to update existing metric values. Once you have added y in the first column, conditional formatting will highlight potential errors in the row. A purple background in a cell indicates that a required value is missing, while the purple text indicates an invalid value.

When considering import, it is helpful to note that column headers are in different colors to indicate which columns are mandatory (purple), and which are optional (blue). 

For Metric Value import, these columns are mandatory:

  • Campaign Name: Values are validated against the Campaigntab.
  • Metric Name: Values are validated against the hidden Metric Definition tab.

For Metric Value import, these columns are optional:

  • Funnel Name: This is the funnel name (product) that contains the metric, if applicable. Values are validated against the hidden Funnel tab.
  • Timeframe: There will be a column per month, where the metric value can be specified.  When loading values, the system will perform math versus the existing metric value:
    • <amount specified in the upload> - <previous existing value> = <delta>. 
    • The delta will then be the value that gets uploaded, to make the total equal to what you specified in the spreadsheet.  If entering a value for the past month, then the delta is added as the last day of the month.  If entering a value in the current month, then the delta is added with today's date.
  • Let's assume that today is February 21, and my budget started in January.  In January there were previously 65 leads, and there were no leads in February for my campaign.  If I uploaded 100 leads for January and 29 for February, then the system would do the following:
    • Add 35 leads for January 31 (that's 100 - 65 = 35 leads)
    • Add 29 leads for February 21 (that's 29 - 0 = 29 leads)
      The January and February totals match what I loaded from my spreadsheet, 100 and 29 respectively.
  • It's possible to add a negative number of leads.  Let's take another example. Let's assume that today is February 21, and my budget started in January.  In January, there were previously 65 leads, and there were no leads in February for my campaign.  This time I uploaded 50 leads for January, and 50 so the system would do the following:
    • Add -15 leads (so subtracting 15 leads) for January 31 (that's 65 - 50 = -15 leads)
    • Add 50 leads for February 21 (that's 50 - 0 = 50 leads)
      The January and February totals match what I loaded from my spreadsheet, 50 and 50 respectively.
  • Target Date: This is the target date I want to reach my target metric value, and must be a date in the spreadsheet.
  • Target Value: This is the target metric value I want to achieve on my target date.
  • Milestones: These are easier to enter through the web application, but can be entered through import.

After saving the XLSX file containing one or more metric values with Add in the first column, you can proceed to import the file.

  1. Navigate to the Import / Export Data page, and select Metrics from the dropdown list under the Import section.
  2. Then click Upload, and select your XLSX file from your local machine.
  3. Finally, click Import.

If there are any errors during the import process, a list of errors will be displayed. You can address these errors in your XLSX file, clear them, and try importing again. However, if there are no errors, your metric values will be successfully loaded, and you will receive a notification indicating a successful import.

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