Release Updates
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Release Updates

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Latest from Planful! Check out this month's Highlights Video. Prefer reading over watching - switch to Release Notes. Looking for previous Release Notes - visit the Archive.

Planful For Marketing: Introduced Custom Field - Campaign, Expense Group and Expense Import

With this release, users can now seamlessly import data from the .xlsx template file, which allows for the automatic handling of custom field values.

Now, when importing new entries, the system will automatically create the necessary groups if required custom field values are provided. If any mandatory custom fields are missing, default values will be assigned, ensuring the process continues smoothly. For new or unrecognized custom field values, mandatory fields will receive default values, while optional fields will remain blank.

Single-select custom fields containing comma-separated values will be treated as unrecognized, resulting in default values for mandatory fields. Additionally, if a custom field column is deleted before import, the process will fail, and an error message will be displayed, allowing users to address the issue promptly.

Planful For Marketing: Introduced Custom Field - Budget Export (XLSX)

With this release, users can now export budgets in XLSX format, including custom field data. When exporting budgets from the Export/Import Data page, custom field columns will be organized on the sheet as follows:

  • Campaign Tab: Custom field columns must be positioned after the GL Code column.
  • Expense Group Tab: Custom field columns should be placed after the PO Number column.
  • Expense Tab: Custom field columns need to be inserted after the Invoice column.

To ensure a smooth experience, the custom field column names in the exported file must align with those used in the system. To facilitate easy identification, mandatory custom fields will be highlighted in purple, while optional custom fields will be highlighted in blue.

Furthermore, the obfuscated budget will mirror the actual budget's column layout, ensuring clarity and consistency during exports.

This enhancement streamlines the export process and minimizes errors, ensuring that budgets are accurately represented and easily manageable in the XLSX format.

Planful for Marketing: Introduced Freeze Grand Total Row on Manage and Budget Page

With this release, we have enhanced usability on the Manage and Budget pages. This update allows users to freeze the Grand Total row at the bottom of these tables, ensuring that key summary information remains visible as they scroll through different Campaigns or Expense Groups.

This functionality mirrors the freeze pane feature available in Excel, helping users maintain visibility of important summary numbers and column labels while navigating extensive datasets.

Previously, users faced challenges when scrolling through large datasets on the Manage and Budget pages, as the Grand Total row would scroll out of view, making it difficult to track overall figures. Now, with this feature, users can easily keep track of key totals, significantly improving their overall experience and efficiency.

Planful for Marketing: Enhanced Yearly View on Manage Page

With this release, we have enhanced user efficiency and streamlined navigation on the Manage page. Users can now click on Actual Spend within the Yearly view to display only the expenses contributing to the selected amount.

Previously, users faced challenges accessing detailed expense information directly from the actuals, as they had to switch back to the Monthly view and navigate through multiple months to find the necessary details, which was time-consuming. Now, when users click on Actual Spend in the Yearly view, they can seamlessly navigate to the expense page with the relevant filters automatically applied, allowing them to view the necessary details.


  • Streamlined Navigation: Access detailed expense information directly from the Yearly view without switching to the Monthly view.
  • Increased Efficiency: Save time and reduce efforts by eliminating the need to navigate through multiple monthly views.
  • Enhanced Usability: Ideal for users managing budgets and expenses on an annual or quarterly basis.

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