Standalone Metrics
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Standalone Metrics

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Article Summary

The Standalone Metric List

Track metrics that are important to the success of your plan, but aren't part of a larger funnel. Sometimes, you may want to track metrics that don't contribute directly to ROI or may not have a tangible impact on your main metric funnel. Metrics like blog posts, emails opened, impressions, or form views could be worth tracking, but they don't directly contribute to your revenue targets.

Alternatively, you may not have a robust metric funnel with conversion rates and revenue per outcome, and you still want to track metrics like conversions or deals against a target. If you want to track metrics like these, standalone metrics are for you.

  1. Navigate to Settings > Metrics Funnel.
  2. The Standalone Metrics section is available at the top of the Metrics page (collapsed by default).
  3. Click the arrow next to Standalone Metrics to expand this section and view a full list of default standalone metrics that are available for tracking campaigns and goals.
  4.  To enter edit mode, click the pencil icon. Here, you can delete, reorder, or set targets for your standalone metrics. Additionally, you can create as many standalone metrics as you like.
  5.  Click Save.
Unlike metric funnels, once you create or edit a standalone metric, it is automatically available for tracking your campaigns and goals.

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