Currency Exchange Rate
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Currency Exchange Rate

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Article summary

You can set up currency exchange rates for the budget and forecast planning cycle. The Currency Exchange Rate tab enables you to set up a currency exchange rate for a scenario.


Setup Exchange Rate

  1. Navigate to Maintenance > Currency > Exchange Rates to access the Exchange Rates page. 
  2. Select a Scenario from the list.
    selection scenario
    The list box is populated with scenarios defined on the Scenario Setup page.
  3. Select a fiscal Year associated with the scenario.
  4. Select the Currency for which you want to view the exchange rates.
  5. Select the Apply Currency Conversion checkbox to modify the exchange rates and update the loaded data with the new exchange rates for converting Local Currency to Common Currency. If you don’t enable the checkbox, the existing data will not be updated and the exchange rates will be applied only for new data loads.
    Apply currency conversion
  6. Click Save.
    To customize the Currency Type in the Default view, perform the below steps:

    1. Select the Customized view radio button.
      customize view
    2. Select Currency Type from the Select Currency Types icon beside Currency Type to select currency types for the selected currency. Click Select.
      browse icon
    3. Click Save.

Load Exchange Rates Using Data Load Rules

Utilize Data Load Rules for loading exchange rates when dealing with a large volume of exchange rate data.

  1. Access the Data Load Rules page by navigating to Maintenance > DLR > Data Load Rules.
  2. Click New Data Load Rule.
  3. Enter a Name and Description.
  4. Select a Load Type.
  5. For Load Item select Currency Exchange Rates.
    new data load rule(1)
  6. For the Load Sub Item, select Load Exchange Rates.

To learn more about the DLR process, click here


You can export all or selected entries from the Currency Exchange Rate list report using Export  All or Export Selected.

You can also import exchange rates by uploading a file using the Import option.

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