Decentralized Security
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Decentralized Security

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Article summary

Use the Decentralized tab to grant distributed users access to Consolidation activities. Upon entering the Decentralized page, the Entity Access Tree is grayed out. The tree will remain grayed out until you select the Decentralized Consolidation checkbox.


Select the user for which you want to provide access.

Decentralized Consolidation

Enables the Entity Access tree.


Once you’ve enabled the Entity Access tree, select members you wish the selected user to have access.

If you provide a user with access to a descendant but not its parent, the user will have access to the descendent and will have implied access to the parent member. This way, a tree can be created for the user to access only a portion of the Legal Entity/Company hierarchy.

The checkbox changes color when you provide a user with partial access.

Users have access to perform consolidation actions based on the entity access setup by an administrator.

Once the selected user chooses a member on the Member Selector page and clicks Go on the Consolidation Control Panel, a list of available processes is displayed.


Preview Assigned- Display the Security tree, which is read-only. This view is helpful for Security Administrators to view the assigned security details for a selected user.

Navigation Access must be given to a user to enable access to the Administration items in the Consolidation Control Panel.

Export All User Security

Export and download the security report for users.

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