Delta Simulation Engine Processing of Workforce Planning Templates
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Delta Simulation Engine Processing of Workforce Planning Templates

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Article summary

With this feature, you can opt to have Simulation Engine process only those Workforce Planning templates where a change or update has been made; reducing processing time by eliminating the need to process templates that have not changed.

The option to select scenarios to mark employees as unprocessed is provided on the Security Administration and Pays Setup pages.

Specify scenarios where you want to process only those employees with a process status of "unprocessed" on the Security Administration page:

  1. Access the Security Administration page by navigating to Maintenance > Admin > Security Administration.
  1. Uncheck the Enforce changing the account properties when data is available option as shown below. Click the Applicable Scenarios option and select scenarios.
  1. After you've selected scenarios, click Select then click Save on the Security Administration page.

Specify scenarios on the Pays Setup page

  1. Access the Pays Setup page by navigating to Maintenance > WFP > Workforce Planning Setup> Pay Plans and click Pays Setup.
  1. Click Applicable Scenarios as shown below.
  2. Click Applicable Scenarios and select the scenarios where you want to process only those employees with a process status of "unprocessed".

  1. After you've selected scenarios, click Select then click Save on the Pays Setup page.

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