Limitations for Signals Generation
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Limitations for Signals Generation

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Article summary

  • Signal generation at the roll-up level is not supported in Signals Overview. Users can select roll-up members in the Selection Criteria, but signals are calculated and displayed at leaf-level members.
    Note: Signal generation at the roll-up level is supported only in Dynamic Report.
  • Updating the source system from Predict Signals is not supported.
  • The Predict Signals functionality is available only for Budget, Forecast, and Planned scenarios.
  • The Predict Signals functionality is available for Actuals in Dynamic Report.
  • In the Selection Criteria, you can select only one scenario at a time.
  • Signals data is available only on Flow MTD account types such as operating expenses, revenue accounts, and so on. Balance YTD accounts like balance sheet accounts are not considered for generating signals, so the Account hierarchy in Selection Criteria will only display flow accounts. Balance accounts are not displayed in Selection Criteria.
  • The Predict Signals functionality is not available for calculated members in the hierarchy as they are derived values.
  • Predict only enables fiscal year setups of 12 months period, any setup other than 12 months will not be supported.

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