How to Apply Data Calculation Exceptions to Companies and Accounts
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How to Apply Data Calculation Exceptions to Companies and Accounts

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Article summary

  1. In the right pane, click the Add button to enable the Add - Company with Data Calculation Exceptions page. On this page, select company dimension members you want data exceptions applied to based on the configuration. To select several members at once, hold down the shift key.
  1. Set MTD or YTD for Set Zero Default Value.
  1. Click Copy To to set the value of the account for the dimension. When the Copy To - Accounts page opens, select the accounts you want to apply the exception to. Click Copy.
  1. Click Save.
  1. Click Output. In the output below, you can see that the Copy To account selected is 1110 Cash and Marketable Securities. And, each of the company dimensions are listed with the associated zero default value selected

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