How to Backup a Model
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How to Backup a Model

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Article summary

  1. Select the Manage task and the Application Administration, Model Backup/Restore subtask.
  2. Select the Backup radio button.
  3. Select the Model you want to back up from the list box. The models that are in a Not Generated state will have a text string with “ – Not Generated” added to the end of the model name (e.g. 2015 Model – Not Generated).
  4. Select the Leaf drop-down option from the Model Backup/Restore Include Data option page to backup leaf-level data only. The default setting is set to None. Select All to back up all metadata and data.
  5. Click Backup
  6. Select the location where you want the backup file stored.
  7. Click Save.

Limitation The maximum size of a model backup and/or restore is defaulted to 200 MB. If you select to backup data, the system will first check to ensure there is less than 200MBs of data. If more than 200 MB, the system will display a message indicating so. There is no limitation on metadata.

If required, contact Planful Support to increase this default. The limit is 500 MB.

The following items are not backed up currently with this functionality:

  • Model Permissions – these would need to be recreated in the target application. The default behavior is that the Administrators in the target application will have access to the newly added model, but no other users will be able to access it.
  • Users, Groups, and User Groups are not backed up as they are application specific, not model specific.
  • Additional Data Sources – data sources other than Planful applications that are not backed up currently.

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