How to Copy Employees from One Scenario to Another?
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How to Copy Employees from One Scenario to Another?

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Article summary

Using the Copy Employees feature, you can seamlessly copy the employee(s) from one scenario to another. This reduces manual effort hours and minimizes errors, thus improving accuracy.

To copy the employees from one scenario to another scenario, perform the below steps:

  1. Navigate to the Planning Control Panel. Select a Scenario > Budget entity and the HR - Workforce Planning template.

  1. Click Input in the right pane.


You must have the input permission to the template to access the copy employees feature.

  1. Select the number of employees you wish to copy by clicking the little check box associated with the Employee Number and click the Copy Employees option on the header.

    You will see the Copy Employees pop-up on the screen.

  • The Copy Employees option appears after you select the employees.
  • The maximum number of employees you can select at one time is 10.
  • Optionally, you can use the Advanced Search option to make your search easier. Click the option, enter the search criteria, and click Apply to narrow down the search results.
  1. Select the target scenario from the Select Target Scenario drop-down list and click Copy.

    You will not be able to perform the copy into the locked scenarios or default scenarios.
    You will see the Copy Employee Status pop-up on the screen.

    When the employees are successfully copied, you will see a notification, and if the copy process fails, you can download the report to view the error details of the failed records.

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