Loading Data with Elimination Company
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Loading Data with Elimination Company

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Article summary

When you set up an elimination company in Hierarchy Management and select Yes for Elimination as shown below, there will be an option in Data Load Rules that instructs the application to obtain a value for the elimination company from the file (file is just one format you can use to load data and there are several others) that contains the data you are loading to Planful.


This option is available on the Define Overall Rule Settings page in Data Load Rules while creating new Data Load Rules. Follow the steps to understand how to load data with an elimination company:-

  1. In the Define New Data Load Rule tab in Data Load Rule, enter Name, Load Type, Load Item, and Load Sub Item. Click Next.
  2. Select Sample Data File in the Select Sample Input File tab and click Next.
    The Sample Data File uploaded in the Data Load Rule is the same file that is obtained after you export an entity.
  3. The Elim Attribute in the Define Overall Rule Settings tab is set to Yes.
    Selecting Yes for Include in Data File for the Elim Attribute will obtain the value from the data you are loading to Planful. This Parameter is available for Segment Hierarchy and Alternate Hierarchy data loads.
  4. Verify your data in the Manipulate Input File tab and click Next.
  5. Map Source Columns in the Define Data Mappings tab and click Next.
  6.  Click Finish in the Load Data tab and you will receive a message on successful upload.
    To learn more about Data Load Rules, click here.

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