Scenario Setup
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Scenario Setup

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Article summary

Create various scenarios representing different versions of a budget or forecast for a fiscal year. Develop scenarios for both current and future trends, test assumptions with changing drivers, and ensure more accurate revenue estimation. Analyzing these scenarios enables analysts to enhance financial performance and examine company financial trends.

To access the Scenario List page, navigate to Maintenance > Admin > Scenario Setup.

Scenario List Page

The Scenarios List page lists all the scenarios that have been created. Here, you can perform various actions, such as:

You can add four types of scenarios:

Scenarios are protected from updates through Scenario Edit while a user is in Input Mode for the scenario's template. This lock ensures data integrity and prevents inconsistencies between the template and scenario data structures. Any attempt to edit a scenario with an open template in Input Mode will trigger an error message. This protection also applies to Offline Planning, where a scenario remains locked until the template is either checked back in or an admin selects Undo Check Out in the Planning Control Panel.

To update a scenario, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Maintenance > Admin > Scenario Setup.
  2. Select the scenario you want to edit and click on the edit icon to make the necessary modifications.

If a scenario fails or its status is Failed, the application will automatically delete it and remove it from all reference scenarios, effectively eliminating old and unused scenarios.

To delete a reference scenario:

  1. Go to Maintenance > Admin > Scenario Setup.
  2. Select the scenario that you want to delete and click the delete icon.
  3. In the confirmation dialog box, click Delete.
You cannot delete the Actual and Default scenarios.
For detailed information on deleting a scenario, click here.

You can copy any existing scenario by clicking the copy icon. The scenarios are copied into the cloud, allowing you to continue working while the process takes place. Once the copying is complete, you will receive a notification in the application, and an email will be sent.

You can refresh the scenario page by clicking the reload icon.

You can apply the filter to view the specific data by clicking the apply filter icon.

We have an automatic synchronization of tasks based on foundational adjustments, so there's no need to manually synchronize information for an existing scenario from the Scenario List page. Once you click Save, the application will automatically synchronize the modified scenarios. To view the updated information, make sure to refresh the Task Manager page. However, as a safety net, we also offer a manual synchronization process.

You have a few additional options under the three vertical dots icon:

Scenario Actions
  • Forward
  • Lock
  • Global Data Input
  • Refresh Closed Period Data
  • Refresh Preloaded Data
  • Unprocess 'WFP' Employees
  • Reset All
  • Maintenance
Other Actions
  • User Access
  • Documents
  • Print
  • Print Setup
  • Export as Excel

For more detailed information on Scenario actions and other actions click here.

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