Security and User Types
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Security and User Types

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Article summary

The following items describe the security access and roles required for successful execution of Financial Package Reports that contain Dynamic Reports.

  1. If a user is a Report Administrator, they can run any Financial Package Report. All of the sections of the Financial Package Report will be rendered. Where the user's dimension security applies, that user will be able to view the data within the report.
  1. If the user is a Report User:
    • The user can be given read or full control access to the Financial Package report or folder in Report Security, which allows that user to review the structure of the Financial Package report and preview it. To be able to view all artifacts contained within the Financial Package report, the user must have read or full control access to the artifacts (reports, documents stored within the File Cabinet). It is not required that users are given folder access to folders that contain stored artifacts in order for those artifacts to display accurately in the Financial Package output.
      • If a user is added as an owner of the report, that user can preview the output. All sections will be displayed and where the user's dimension security applies, the user will be able to view the data within the report.
        • The Owner of the report will be able to perform the following actions that a participant can’t:
          • Change the Code, Name, Description, Due Date, Report Folder, and Template associated with the report.
          • Change the Owner
          • Add Participants
        • Participants can preview and generate Finanical Package reports. If the user is not an Owner and is added to some sections of the report only as a Participant, that user will be able to Preview the Financial Package output, but will only see the sections for which they are Participants and data where their dimension security applies.
          • Participants are restricted by:
            • Any properties associated with sections which they have not been “Assigned To”
            • Financial Package Report properties
            • The inability to add a new section
            • The inability to add Report Access unless the user has been given “Full Control” of the Financial Package Report in Maintenance > Admin > User Management > User > More list-box > Report Access

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