Auditing the Application
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Auditing the Application

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Article summary

Admin users can monitor all actions taken by users. If there are discrepancies, view users that were logged on when the discrepancy occurred as well as the actions each user took associated with the area of the application in question.

Audit Set Up

To set up Audit functionality, navigate to Maintenance > Audit > Setup Application Audit. Select the Enable Log checkbox next to each area of the application you want to audit. You can also select Check All to enable auditing of all application areas.

Performing Audits

To perform audits:

  1. Navigate to Maintenance > Audit > View Audit Log. The Application Audit Details page is opened.

  2. Select the audit area and the date or time period you would like to view an audit of.

  3. For Action, select the action associated with the Audit Area selected. For example, if you want to view all navigation role deletions, select Navigation Role from the Audit Area list and Delete from the Action list.
    Select an application user to view actions taken by that user.

  4. For Audit Type choose from an active or archived audit log.

  5. Click View Logs to see results based on selections.

Audit Log Results

Once you click View Logs, the results are populated in a table format.

Audit User - The name of the user selected in the Application User field.

Audit Area - The audit area selected.

Audit Action - For example, Add, Edit, Delete. The action the user took.

Audit Time - The date and time the user performed the action.

Audit Description - Displays a description of the action the user performed. For example, Logged In.

Auditing Hierarchies

Additional auditing capabilities (listed below) are available for all Hierarchical changes made in Hierarchy Management.

  • Ability to search all changes under the Hierarchy Audit Area except for Attribute Setup performed via the Setup link in Hierarchy Management. Attribute Setup changes are displayed as User Defined Attributes.

  • Three additional informational columns display in the results when auditing hierarchies. These columns are Source, Old Value, and New Value and they provide more detailed information about the actions performed by an end user.

  • The Audit Description column includes more details on the field modified by a user. Parent information is provided as well.

  • The Audit Actions list is simplified. All actions are categorized as Add, Edit or Delete.

  • Information on session timeout and reasons for login failures is provided.

In Practice

  1. Navigate to Maintenance > Audit > View Audit Log.

  2. Select search/filter criteria.

  3. Click View Logs. The results are returned as shown below.

The Source column provides information on the way in which the change was made. For example, a user performed “input”. The Old Value column provides information on the original value prior to the change the user performed. For example, the user changes the member code from xyz to abc. So, xyz is shown as the Old Value. The New Value column provides information on the updated value. So, if the user changes the member code from xyz to abc, abc is shown as the New Value.

Archiving Audits

To archive audit logs:

  1. Navigate to Maintenance > Audit > View Audit Log. The Application Audit Details screen appears.

  2. Click Archive. The Application Audit Archive screen appears.

  3. Select the From and To dates for the audit logs you want to archive.

  4. Click Archive Logs. The logs are archived. To view logs, return to the Application Audit Details screen and click View Logs.

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