Spotlight for Google Sheets
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Spotlight for Google Sheets
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Planful Spotlight add-on for Google Sheets is used for a wide range of financial planning, forecasting, budgeting, and ad-hoc analysis tasks. It fetches data from SpotlightXL and Spotlight Web in a fraction of the time. An intuitive user interface makes it easy to use and navigate and seamlessly creates a sync between your Dynamic Planning modules and Google Sheets.
You can access data sets from the Dynamic Planning interface using your login and specifying environment details. Once connected, you can perform tasks such as
- Quick ad-hoc analysis using the Default view even if you do not have a view setup.
- Zoom in to a specific level within the hierarchy.
- Zoom out from a specific level within the hierarchy.
- Swap row and column dimensions using different Pivot options.
- Quickly segregate data and only see what you want using the Keep Only or Remove Only options.
- Customize your view and organize your data the way you like by using the different More options like Display, Suppress Rows, Indent Row Members, Number Format, etc.
- View the reports and analyze the data further through graphs and charts available in the reports.
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