Support for Drill Through in Direct Connect Models in Both SpotlightXL and Spotlight
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Support for Drill Through in Direct Connect Models in Both SpotlightXL and Spotlight

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Article summary

Drill through a Direct Connect model report to retrieve the following source data:

  • Transactions

  • Translations

  • Operational Planning data

  • Structured Planning data in shared mode enabled applications

  • Seeding (preloaded) data for Preloaded & Forecast scenarios

  • Closed Periods data for Forecast scenarios

  • Capital and Workforce Planning data

  • Consolidation data

  • GL data loaded via Data Load Rules

Drill through is enabled in your reports for a data cell where dimensions, attributes, attribute hierarchies, main hierarchy, alternate hierarchies and substitution variables are used. However, drill through is not supported if multiple Scenarios or multiple members on any other dimensions are selected on the page filters (the ability to select multiple scenarios on the page filter is a new feature available with this release). All drill through reports honor Dimension Security with the exception of Workforce drill through data, which additionally honors Budget Entity and Template Access by default.

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