Template Input and View Modes
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Template Input and View Modes

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Article summary

How to Open Templates In Input and View Modes from the Planning Control Panel

To open a template in Input mode:

  1. From the Planning Control Panel, select the budget entity in the budget hierarchy from the left pane.

  2. Select the template in the middle pane.

  3. Click the Input action in the right pane.

To open a template in View mode:

  1. From the Planning Control Panel, select the budget entity in the budget hierarchy from the left pane.

  2. Select the template in the middle pane.

  3. Click the View action in the right pane.

How to Open Templates in Input and View Modes from the Template Interface

Once you are in a template (whether in Input or View mode) you can open other templates rather than returning to the Planning Control Panel. To do so:

  1. Click Select Template.

  2. The scenario selected on the Planning Control Panel is displayed. Optionally, select a different scenario.

  3. The template selected on the Planning Control Panel is displayed. Optionally, select a different template.

  4. The currency associated with selected budget is displayed.

  5. Click Open in read only mode to open the template in View mode.

  6. Click Apply and Open to apply the selections made and open the template based on those selections.


An audit log entry is made each time you open a template.
Types of Template View Modes

There are two types of View modes; legacy and new. Each is explained below. New View Mode functionality is enabled by default in new applications starting February 2019. For customers with applications built prior to February 2019, you will have the legacy view mode enabled unless you've opted in to the new view mode functionality. Please be aware that once this functionality is enabled, you can’t go back to the legacy functionality. So, please test in the sandbox environment and train end-users accordingly.

New View Mode Versus Legacy

The new view mode functionality for templates offers several benefits and conveniences; most notably, real-time data changes/updates, streamlined movement of information, as well as the elimination of clicks.

Template calculations are immediately executed so that the template shows up-to-date results (as if you opened it in Input mode). If you don’t enable this functionality and you open a template in View mode, you need to run a Validation report or reopen the template in Input mode. By introducing this new functionality, we have eliminated the need to run a Validation report or and reopen templates in Input mode to view the most recent data. If you enable this enhancement, the More list-box, will look a different ( View Mode options aren’t needed and will be removed as shown in the screenshot below).

Without New View Mode Functionality Enabled:


With New View Mode Functionality Enabled:


If you export the template to Excel, formulas are retained (as shown in the image below) as are sublines.


In Practice

Let’s say a template includes a formula that is based on a global field. When calculated, the formula (for example cell A10 * 2) results in the value of $100 USD. User A saves the template and forwards to User B for review. Before User B performs the review, the formula is changed resulting in a value of $120 USD versus $100 USD.

If this feature is not enabled, this is how the application with behave when the template is opened in View mode:

  • The value of $100 USD will be displayed

  • The formula (A10*2) will not be displayed

    If this feature is enabled, this is how the application with behave when the template is opened in View mode:

  • The application will recalculate the formula so that the value of $120 USD is displayed

  • The formula (A10*2) will be displayed

    When Template View Mode functionality is enabled, the application will behave exactly as it would for a template opened in Input mode, but without the option to Save.

    If you run the Subline report, the template main lines and sublines will display. The application will recalculate the formulas for the sublines as well and show the latest values, but the formulas will not display.

    For Offline Planning, when a template is opened in View mode, the formulas are recalculated and the latest values are displayed. The formulas will display as well.

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